摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,俄语毕业论文,俄语毕业论文,内容请直接查看目录。) 作为一个位于中国、俄罗斯之间的内陆国度,蒙古因其特别的地舆地位和与中俄的庞杂政治交际关系而惹人注视。暗斗后,西南亚地域因其主要的计谋位置和伟大的经济潜力,而成为美国全球计谋的存眷点。蒙古作为西南亚地域一个地缘计谋地位极端主要的国度,被美国视为完成西南亚区域计谋、遏制中俄的“密切同伴”。暗斗停止后,美蒙关系日渐升温,并出现出以政治来往为基本,以军事协作为重点,以经济及科技文明接洽为催化剂的成长态势,这惹起了美日中俄等年夜国之间的博弈,列国接踵调剂对蒙古的计谋并在蒙古睁开了剧烈的好处争取,这势必作用西南亚地域的平安与稳固。本文以美蒙关系的成长为主线,对蒙古在美国西南亚计谋中的感化停止了剖析。本文经由过程对暗斗后美蒙关系成长的回想,侧重剖析了蒙古的计谋价值、美国的计谋意图和两国关系的成长对西南亚地域发生的作用。美国虽不是西南亚国度,但它凭仗着壮大的政治、经济和军现实力插足该地域事务并对西南亚的平安格式发生严重作用;而蒙古固然实力衰小,但其特别的地缘优势却使其成为对西南亚的平安有侧重要意义的一环。剖析美蒙关系的成长表示、缘由及作用,对我们更清楚地认清西南亚的平安格式及走势,争夺保护西南亚地域历久战争、稳固的情况有侧重要感化。 Abstract: As a landlocked country between China and Russia, Mongolia is a great place to look at because of its special geographical position and the complex political relations with China and Russia. After the cold war, the south west region because of its important strategic position and great economic potential, and become the global strategic focus. Mongolia as a regional strategic position in the West Asia region is an extremely important country, the United States as the West South Asia region to complete the strategy, to curb Russia's close companions". It stopped, mimon relationship gradually warming, and appears to contact the basic political, military cooperation as the key to economic and technological civilization approached as catalyst growth trend, which caused the game between the United States and Japan and Russia and other big country, the nations of Mongolia and strategic adjustment of one after another in Mongolia to open a violent fight for good and this is bound to affect the South West regional peace and stability. In this paper, the relationship between mimon growth as the main line, has carried on the analysis to the Mongolia in the South West Asia strategy in action. In this paper, through the process of Post Cold War US Mongolia relations grow back, the author analyzes the influence of Mongolia's strategic value, the strategic intention and the relations between the two countries on the growth of the South West region. Although the United States was the south west country, but it is with strong political, economic and military strength in the regional affairs and has a serious impact on safe format of southwest Asia; and Mongolia is the strength decline small, but its special geographical advantage is to be on the South West Peace is of great significance for a ring. Analysis of relationship between the growth of mimon said, the reason and influence of us more clearly identify the trend of peace format and South West Asia, South West Asia region for the protection of long-term war, firm situation has an important role. 目录: 摘要 2-3 Abstract 3 引言 5-7 第一章 冷战期间美蒙关系概述 7-10 1.1 美蒙处于敌对状态(1945-1961) 7 1.2 美蒙的建交过程(1962-1987) 7-10 第二章 冷战后美蒙关系的发展与演变 10-23 2.1 政治领域加强对话与协商 10-13 2.1.1 两国领导人频繁互访 10-12 2.1.2 美国大力支持蒙古的改革 12-13 2.2 经贸领域深入发展与合作 13-16 2.2.1 美国对蒙古大量的经济援助 14-15 2.2.2 美蒙的经贸合作迅速发展 15-16 2.3 军事安全领域密切交流与合作 16-20 2.3.1 两国军事互访和交流频繁 16-17 2.3.2 两国军事演习不断升级 17-18 2.3.3 美国对蒙古的军事援助 18-19 2.3.4 两国在反恐中的合作 19-20 2.4 科技文化领域扩大开放与交流 20-23 第三章 冷战后美蒙关系发展的原因 23-32 3.1 国际形势发生剧变 23-25 3.2 美国东北亚战略的调整 25-27 3.3 蒙古"多支点"外交政策的确立 27-29 3.4 蒙古经济上对美国的需求 29-32 第四章 冷战后美蒙关系发展的作用 32-35 4.1 对美国地区战略的作用 32 4.2 对蒙古的作用 32-33 4.3 对东北亚地区安全格局的作用 33-35 结论 35-36 注释 36-38 参考文献 38-41 攻读学位期间的探讨成果 41-42 致谢 42-44 |