
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

近几年,固然全球化、世俗化和古代化的过程在加速,然则人们对传统宗教的兴致和需求也在赓续地增加。在中国和俄罗斯传统宗教一萨满教以它的深挚基础掉臂一切地流传着、成长着、变异着,倔强地和后来的世界性宗教对抗,并运用一切可以运用的前提持续存在世,直至昔日。在历久的平易近族来往中,萨满教和其他巫术崇奉会合成流,构成难以估量的精力力气。假如认为萨满教曾经灭亡或行将灭亡,生怕言之过早,由于萨满文明性命力的作用根深蒂固,很难用古代思虑去懂得它的曩昔和将来。所以,它的存在和成长毫不以任何人的意志为转移。 本文重点阐述了俄罗斯结雅埃文基人传统和古代萨满教,并梳理了埃文基和鄂温克萨满教成长进程,在此基本上剖析了埃文基人萨满教变迁的缘由和中俄现代萨满教的差异。 本文共分为五个章节。 第一章重要阐述了选题的启事及意义,梳理了后人对该课题相干的研究,重要包含中国和俄罗斯学者的研究。罗列了研究的实际与办法,和对两个野外点的引见。 第二章重要引见了埃文基人的根本概略,俄语专业论文,散布的地舆地位和该平易近族来源成绩。俄罗斯学者对埃文基人来源成绩归结年夜致有三种满洲来源说;长江黄河道域来源说;贝加尔湖地域来源说。笔者以为埃文基人来源于贝加尔湖地域更具有迷信性。最初,阐述了埃文基人的族源和跨界平易近族的构成。1689年中俄《尼布楚合同》的签署,开端将埃文基人一分为二,成为中俄跨界平易近族,而到了1860年跟着《北京合同》的签署,埃文基人的跨界平易近族完全构成。 第三章简略梳理了中国鄂温克族和俄罗斯埃文基人萨满教成长进程。并从清代中叶与沙皇俄国、中华平易近国与十月反动、中华国民共和国和苏联战后,和中国改造开放和苏联崩溃四个时代分离停止了比较剖析。 第四章描写了埃文基人传统的萨满教。本章经由过程对萨满和萨满教典礼,和一些传统风俗忌讳的引见,剖析了传统萨满教对埃文基人的精力世界及平易近俗习气等方面发生的根深蒂固作用。 第五章重要讲述了俄罗斯埃文基人和中国鄂温克族萨满教现代状态。具体描写了埃文基人现代萨满教,和变迁的缘由。最初比较剖析了俄罗斯和中国萨满教古代成长状态和其在社会构造中的位置。这一时代,埃文基和鄂温克成为附属于中俄两国的跨界平易近族,其萨满教出现出差别性。因其在分歧的政治文明情况下,其成长进程、变迁的成果也都不尽雷同。 结语部门对以上成绩停止了归纳综合。笔者提出要生计就须要顺应,顺应既是一种变迁的进程,又是变迁的成果。变迁是平易近族生计和成长进程中弗成防止的,症结在于变迁中的社会和群体、小我若何停止调适,以便更好空中对变迁,更好地生计和成长这一不雅点。


In recent years, although globalization, secularization and modernization process of accelerating, however people of traditional religious interest and demand also in continuously increased. In China and Russia traditional religion Shamanism on the basis of its deepest fall all arm spread, grow and mutated, stubborn and later the world religious antagonism and to use all can be the precondition for the use of the continued existence of the world until the former. For a long time in the nation's dealings, Shamanism and other witchcraft beliefs will constitute the immeasurable synthesis flow, energy strength. If you think that Shamanism had died or dying, for fear that premature, due to the deep-rooted impact of Shaman culture life force, it is difficult to use ancient thinking to know its past and future. Therefore, its existence and development is not in any person's will for the transfer. This paper expounds the Russian Zeya Ewenqi tradition and ancient Shamanism and sort out the Evenki and Ewenki Shamanism growth process. On this basic on the analysis of the similarities and differences of the Ewenqi Shamanism is change of reason and the Sino Russian modern Shamanism. This article is divided into five chapters. The first chapter explains the reason and significance of choosing the topic, and reviews the research on this subject, including the research of Chinese and Russian scholars. List the actual and methods of research, and the introduction of the two field points. The second chapter introduces the basic overview of important Evenk, geographical position and the spread of ethnic origin. Russian scholars on the Evenki people source problems are reduced greatly by the three sources of Manchuria; the Yangtze River and the Yellow River Basin sources said, Lake Baikal region source said. I think that comes from the Evenk Lake Baikal region is more scientific. First, describes the composition and origin of cross-border Evenk plain near family. 1689 Sino Russian Nerchinsk contract "signed, will start the Evenki people split and become Sino Russian cross-border ethnic groups, and by 1860 following the Beijing contract" signed, the Evenki cross-border ethnic fully constituted. The third chapter briefly summarizes the Chinese Ewenki and Russia Evenk Shamanism growth process. And from the middle of the Qing Dynasty and the Russian, the Chinese people's Republic of China and the October revolution, the Republic of China and the Soviet Union after the war, and China's reform and opening up and the Soviet Union collapsed four times to stop the comparative analysis. The fourth chapter describes the Evenk traditions of shamanism. This chapter through the process of shamans and Shamanism ceremony, introduction and some traditional customs taboo, analyzes the deep-rooted influence of Shamanism tradition of Ewenqi spirit world and plain in customs and habits. The fifth chapter mainly describes the Russian Evenk and China Shamanism Ewenki modern state. A specific description of the Evenk modern Shamanism, reason and change. The first comparative analysis of Russia and Chinese ancient Shamanism growth state and its position in the social structure of the. In this era, the Evenki and Ewenki become attached to the Sino Russian cross-border ethnic and the Shamanism appear out of the difference. Because of their differences in the case of political civilization, the growth process, the results of the changes are not the same. The conclusion section summarizes the above results. The author puts forward to need to adapt to the needs of livelihood, the adaptation is not only a process of change, but also the results of changes. Change is the livelihood of the people and the process of growth can not be avoided, the crux of the changes in the social and social groups, the individual how to stop the adaptation, in order to better air to change, better livelihood and growth of this point of view.

