摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 苏联崩溃后,急剧的经济转型与社会变更招致一系列生齿危机。俄罗斯生齿连续负增加,俄语毕业论文,直到2017岁尾才完成小幅增加,2017年生齿出身率才开端高于逝世亡率,初次完成生齿天然正增加。因为两次世界年夜战时代年夜批苏联男性在疆场上就义,加上苏联崩溃后经济连续低迷、生计压力伟大等缘由,俄罗斯男性生齿一直显著低于女性生齿,性别比例严重掉衡。早在2002年,俄罗斯60岁以上老龄生齿所占比例就曾经到达18.46%,早曾经步入老龄化社会,且老龄生齿所占比例逐年上升,生齿老龄化成绩日趋严格。因为经济蓬勃水平与天然前提差别伟大等缘由,俄罗斯生齿的区域散布严重不均,掉业成绩也异常严重。本文跟踪2000年以来俄罗斯生齿更改的数据,就上述成绩停止了具体剖析,并从汗青本源、经济身分、生涯风俗与天然前提等多个角度剖析了俄罗斯生齿危机发生的本源。就俄罗斯联邦当局针对生齿危机启动实行的政策办法停止了梳理并对实行成效停止了概要总结。从中俄两国计谋协作同伴关系及睦邻友爱邻邦的角度,得出以下结论:起首,俄罗斯依然面对生齿增加乏力、地区散布、性别比例和年纪构造掉衡的危机。其次,中俄两国分离针对西南地域和远东地域的复兴与成长启动了国度计谋,俄语论文题目,两国在这一成绩上具有辽阔协作空间。 Abstract: After the collapse of the Soviet Union, economic transformation and rapid social changes lead to a series of population crisis. Russian population continuous negative growth, until the end of 2017 to complete a small increase, 2017 population birth rate began to higher death rates, accomplished the first natural population is increasing. Because of the two world wars in the era of the eve of the group of Soviet Union men on the battlefield to die a martyr, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union economic downturn continue, livelihood pressure great, reason, male population in Russia has been significantly lower than the female population, sex ratio is serious unbalance. In early 2002, Russia 60 years old or older population proportion had reached 18.46%, already entered the aging society, and the aging population accounts for the proportion is rising year by year, the problem of aging population is more and more strict. Because of the vigorous economic level and natural condition difference great reason, regions of the Russian population spread serious inequality, off grades is extremely serious. The tracking data since 2000 the Russian population changes, the stopped specific analysis, and analysis of the origin of the Russian population crisis from the perspective of historical origin, economic status, customs and natural conditions, such as multiple. On the authorities of the Russian Federation to the population crisis started the implementation of policies and measures to stop out and to implement effective stop the summary. From angle of Sino Russian strategic partner relationship and good neighborly and friendly neighbors, the following conclusions can be drawn: first and foremost, Russia still face population increased fatigue, area distribute, sex ratio and the age structure of the out of balance of crisis. Secondly, China and Russia have launched a national strategy for the recovery and growth of the southwestern region and the Far East, and the two countries have a broad space for cooperation in this achievement. 目录: 摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-6 第1章 绪论 9-13 1.1 探讨背景及意义 9-10 1.2 文献综述 10-12 1.3 探讨措施 12 1.4 创新与不足 12-13 第2章 俄罗斯面临的人口危机 13-24 2.1 人口持续负增长 13-15 2.2 人口老龄化严重 15-16 2.3 人口性别比例失衡 16-19 2.4 人口区域分布失衡 19-22 2.4.1 区域分布 20-21 2.4.2 城乡分布 21-22 2.5 失业问题严重 22-24 第3章 俄罗斯人口危机产生的根源 24-28 3.1 历史原因 24 3.2 经济因素 24-25 3.3 生活习俗 25-26 3.4 自然因素 26-28 第4章 俄罗斯人口危机引发的社会问题 28-33 4.1 人力资源面临枯竭 28-29 4.2 社会养老负担巨大 29-30 4.3 国防安全受到威胁 30 4.4 公共安全面临挑战 30-31 4.5 社会稳定面临挑战 31-33 第5章 俄罗斯联邦政府的人口政策及实施效果 33-39 5.1 俄罗斯联邦政府的人口政策 33-36 5.1.1 提高人口出生率 33-34 5.1.2 降低人口死亡率 34-35 5.1.3 加强移民规范管理 35-36 5.1.4 提高居民养老待遇 36 5.2 俄罗斯联邦政府人口政策的实施效果 36-37 5.3 结论 37-39 注释 39-40 参考文献 40-42 致谢 42 |