
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19

1999年的最初一天,俄罗斯总统鲍里斯·叶利钦(Boris Yeltsin)在“要爱惜俄罗斯”的嘱托声中把总统的权利棒交到普京手里,俄罗斯迎来了一个极新的时期一普京时期。年仅47岁的普京接过了后任总统的重任,担当起俄罗斯国民的重托,开端着手打造一个极新的俄罗斯。本文起首剖析了普京在朝早期俄罗斯面对的地缘政治成绩第一,心脏地带内缩,出海通道遭到牵制;第二,边沿地带涌现一系列抵触带;第三,内部权势挤占和封杀俄地缘计谋空间,使俄国界限面对严重的平安隐患。在这些实际前提下,普京尊敬汗青、容身实际,依据俄罗斯的国度好处,俄语专业论文,年夜力履行欧亚偏重、器械统筹的全方位交际,即容身欧亚年夜陆腹地,阻拦海上强国同年夜陆边沿地带国度结合向年夜陆中间区域推动,把本身包抄且孤立于年夜陆中间。目标是在稳固周边后,从新建立往日的年夜国位置。总之,跟着普京第二任期的停止,普京交际在情势上告一段落。普京交际的八年大张旗鼓,特性光鲜,既获得了使人惊奇的胜利,也不无弱点和成绩。本论文容身实际、尊敬汗青,以辩证唯心主义的世界不雅和汗青不雅为指点,比拟体系地对普京的地缘政治交际计谋停止了综合剖析和评述。在开头,本论文以为普京地缘政治交际计谋给中国的战争成长带来了极年夜的机会。


In 1999 the first day, Russian President Boris Yeltsin in "to cherish the Russian" entrust the president the right to baton to Putin's hand, Russia is celebrating a new period in the Putin Period. Putin, only 47 years old, took the served as president of responsibility and play the great trust of the Russian national, began to build a new Russia. This paper analyzes the moving in Putin's early face of Russian geopolitical scores in the first, heart contraction, access to the sea by pinning; second, at the periphery of emergence of a series of conflicts; third, internal power crowding and blocked Russia's geo strategic space, the Russian boundary face serious safe hidden trouble. Under the premise of the theory, Putin respect history, shelter reality, according to Russia's national interests, on the eve of the force perform Eurasian lay particular stress on, a full range of communication equipment as a whole, namely shelter Eurasian Continental hinterland, block a maritime power with continental edge zone countries combined with promote it to the continent in the middle area, put itself surrounded and isolated in the middle of the continent. The goal is to stabilize the perimeter, from the new establishment of the country's location in the past. In short, with the stop of Putin's second term, Putin come to a halt in the communicative situation. Eight years Putin put up a pageantry, the communicative characteristics of bright, not only get a surprise victory, with weakness and achievement. The actual shelter, respect history, to dialectical idealist world indecent and history as a guide, analogy system of Putin's geopolitical communicative strategies stopped comprehensive analysis and review. At the beginning, this paper argues that Putin's geopolitical strategy has brought a great opportunity for China's war development.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   一、导言   7-11       (一) 选题的意义与探讨措施   7       (二) 本课题的探讨近况   7-10       (三) 选题的创新与难点   10-11   二、俄罗斯的地缘政治近况   11-18       (一) 地缘政治的概念   11-12       (二) 俄罗斯的地缘政治近况   12-14       (三) 俄罗斯面临的主要地缘政治问题   14-18   三、普京的外交战略选择:“全方位”外交   18-33       (一) 普京外交战略选择的依据   18-19       (二) 普京的“全方位”外交战略的内容   19-29       (三) 普京地缘政治外交战略的作用   29-33   四、普京地缘战略对中国和平发展的机遇   33-37       (一) 在国际合作层面   33-34       (二) 在中亚区域层面上   34       (三) 在中国和平发展层面   34-37   参考文献   37-40   在攻读学位论文期间文章   40-41   致谢   41  
