
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The orthodox church is the dominant religious identity of Russian civilization, science and religion has approached the Russian elegant and natural connotation. The Russian state of Russia to discuss elegant suit national orthodox civilization context is popular at the present international seminar of the Russian foreign elegant. The relationship between Russia and the orthodox civilization from the gentle point of view, on the one hand, energy affects the structure and growth of the orthodox Russian elegant science, method of thinking and focus on the theme of literature, state and writer of exploration plays an important role; on the other hand, the Russian writer and a large amount of literary works with certain depth supply and the breadth of the proposition for the orthodox philosophy, with its artistic creation to grow the religious moral system of thought, to deepen and expand the energy value of the Eastern Orthodox Church, unique religious morality and common sense, the creation of Russian Fantasy; a look at itself in a religious position, think of it as a salvation mission. This article from the perspective of orthodox civilization, from the analysis of text analytics with hands, from the Russian Orthodox elegant science concept, the tradition of hagiology and devil concept several aspects of discussing the characteristics of the whole Russian elegant, gentle reminder of Russia from the perspective of a new philosophy inner essence and its unique cultural value.


中文摘要   2-3   英文摘要   3   第1章 绪论   15-24       本章要点   23-24   第2章 俄罗斯文学中的东正教观念   24-135       2.1 俄罗斯东正教观念的形成及其特征   26-33       2.2 耶稣基督观   33-74           2.2.1 陀思妥耶夫斯基笔下的基督   41-50           2.2.2 白银时代作家艺术思想中的基督   50-57           2.2.3 20世纪俄罗斯文学对耶稣基督形象的阐释   57-74       2.3 罪与罚、苦难与救赎   74-82       2.4 怜悯   82-89       2.5 弥赛亚观念   89-103       2.6 恶的观念   103-109       2.7 女性观念   109-122           2.7.1 女人--罪恶之源   111-116           2.7.2 女性--伟大的圣徒   116-122       2.8 “安宁”的观念   122-133       本章要点   133-135   第3章 圣徒传传统与俄罗斯文学精神   135-181       3.1 俄罗斯文学中教会圣徒形象   140-156           3.1.1 佐西马长老   140-142           3.1.2 《大堂神父》:萨韦利.图别罗佐夫   142-146           3.1.3 谢尔基神父   146-149           3.1.4 瓦西里.费维斯基神父   149-153           3.1.5 圣谢尔基.拉多涅日斯基   153-156       3.2 民间圣徒形象   156-171       3.3 圣愚及圣愚气质   171-179       本章要点   179-181   第4章 魔鬼观念与俄罗斯文学   181-229       4.1 19世纪俄罗斯文学中的魔鬼   184-203       4.2 白银时代艺术思想中的魔鬼   203-215       4.3 20世纪俄罗斯文学中的魔鬼形象   215-227       本章要点   227-229   结语   229-232   参考文献   232-241   致谢   241-243   攻读学位期间所的论文及作品   243-244   独创性声明   244  
