
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Oligarchy is a non mainstream political shape, it is continuous in the growth process, the space is part of the constitution is the premise of special. As a fresh example of oligarchy research, the Russian oligarchy has its own characteristics, and through the vicissitudes of the period from Yeltsin to Putin period. The Yeltsin period, the financial industry oligopoly form and strong, and they form an alliance to the Yeltsin regime through the process of infiltration, direct access to the authorities and the "capture" Yeltsin to intervene in politics. The Russian political system is not perfect and the statute for the oligarchy of the weak strength have provided a condition. The emergence of increasingly oligarchic political ills, endanger Russia's economic growth and stable political order. Putin's later adopted a series of management measures and achieved initial results, and the decline of oligarchy fade out. In this paper, the "oligarchy" stop practical analysis basically, to process the Russian oligarchy changes as a clue to stop the description and analysis of its actual reality. Detailed analysis of the reason why Yeltsin era oligarchs puffy, operation method and system. The analysis and summary of methods and consequences of reason, Putin management oligarchy strange. The Russian oligarchs and political changes for discussion among the contents, and strive to the achievements of Russian oligarchs and political change in the process of encounter, responded and consequences, and sums up some meaningful conclusions and inspiration. Because the Russian oligarchy change reflects the transformation of the Russian political reform and political order in the process of reconstruction, the conclusion and Inspiration of transformation will transform the country wide reference and supply.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   绪论   7-12       (一) 选题背景及意义   7-8       (二) 国内外探讨近况   8-9       (三) 探讨思路及创新点   9-11       (四) 探讨措施   11-12   一、寡头政治与俄罗斯寡头政治   12-21       (一) 寡头政治的理论解析   12-15       (二) 俄罗斯寡头政治的特征   15-21   二、叶利钦时代的寡头政治   21-30       (一) 寡头政治兴起的原因   21-24       (二) 寡头政治的运作方式   24-27       (三) 寡头政治的制度环境   27-30   三、普京对寡头政治的治理   30-44       (一) 治理寡头政治的原因   30-35       (二) 治理寡头政治的方法   35-40       (三) 效果及结论—两个层面上的制度变迁   40-44   四、俄罗斯寡头政治的走向、展望与启示   44-50       (一) 俄罗斯寡头政治的走向与展望   44-45       (二) 对于俄罗斯寡头政治变迁的启示   45-50   结语   50-51   参考文献   51-55   在学期间的探讨成果   55-56   致谢   56-57  
