摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 20世纪80年月,成长中国度接踵完成了平易近主政治转型,政治成长、政治转型研究再度成为政治学界的热点课题。90年月初,俄罗斯走上了政治转型途径,特别的汗青配景和实际情况使之构成了奇特的政治转型形式。本文试以对俄罗斯汗青配景和实际情况中的政治、经济、社会、文明等身分的考核作为研究俄罗斯政治转型形式进而研究俄罗斯政治转型的切入点,经由过程对俄罗斯政治转型形式的构成、动因及成长的剖析,商量政治转型实际及其研究办法的成长与变更。本文除引言和结语,共分四部门:第一部门,俄罗斯政治转型的研究办法剖析,从三个条理睁开:1、扼要论述了政治转型实际的构成、研究对象及研究办法;2、提出政治转型实际研究应与地域研究和国别研究相联合的研究思绪;3、指出俄罗斯政治转型研究的个案,将测验考试采取将构造剖析、行动剖析的实际框架与实证剖析、经历剖析相联合的研究办法,进而提出俄罗斯政治转型的研究思绪。第二部门,俄罗斯政治转型形式的构成进程剖析,分为三个末节:1、配景剖析,以为俄罗斯亚威望主义政治转型形式的构成是对俄苏三百余年汗青和近十年转型摸索过程的继续和反思;2、从国度联邦构造和政权机关权利构造的重建及政党轨制的调剂完美等三个方面剖析了亚威望主义政治转型形式的构成进程;3、总结俄罗斯政治转型形式的特色,做出了亚威望主义政治转型形式的断定。第三部门,俄罗斯政治转型形式的构成动因剖析,从四个方面睁开阐述:1、俄罗斯经济成长状态是其亚威望主义政治转型形式构成的最终动因;2、俄罗斯国际外政治关系是其亚威望主义政治转型形式构成的直接动因;3、俄罗斯社会构造特色是其亚威望主义政治转型形式构成的构造性动因;4、俄罗斯政治传统和文明是其亚威望主义政治转型形式构成的深层动因。各身分的配合感化组成汗青的协力。第四部门,俄罗斯政治转型形式的成长及启发:1、经由过程对俄罗斯平易近主政治的轨制、经济基本、客不雅情况的剖析,指出俄罗斯平易近主政治扶植任重而道远,亚威望主义政治转型形式将历久存在;2、测验考试提出了俄罗斯政治转型形式的构成与成长对政治转型及政治转型研究的几点启发。本文的新意在于:1、本文将政治转型实际及其研究办法与国别研究联合起来,以俄罗斯政治转型为案例,俄语论文范文,做出了国别政治转型研究的测验考试;2、从俄罗斯特别的汗青动身,俄语专业论文,对作用俄罗斯政治转型形式构成和成长的经济、政治、社会、文明各动因停止了政治学剖析的测验考试。 Abstract: 80 years of the 20th century, developing countries progressively completed the transformation of democratic politics, political development and political transition research once again become the hot topic in the field of politics. At the beginning of the 90 year, Russia embarked on a political transition, special historical background and the actual situation to make it a unique political transformation. This paper tries to study the political, economic, social, cultural and other factors in the Russian history and the actual situation of the examination as a study of Russian political transition in order to discuss the entry point of the Russian political transition, through the process of Russia's political transformation of the form of the composition, motivation and growth analysis, to discuss the development and change of the political transformation practice and its research methods. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, is divided into four departments: the first division, the Russian political transformation research approach, from three levels: 1, briefly discusses the political transformation of the actual composition, research objects and research methods; 2, the actual research and regional research should be combined with the research ideas; 3 points out the case of the Russian political transition, the test will be taken to construct analysis, empirical analysis and experience analysis, and then put forward the research thoughts of political transformation in Russia. The second sector, the Russian political transformation in the form of forming process analysis, is divided into three subsections: 1, background analysis, that Russian sub prestige political transition form is of Russian and Soviet Union in the 300 years of history and in the past ten years, the transition process of exploring the continuation and reflection; 2, from the three aspects of the country the federal structure and the organs of political power structure of the right of reconstruction and party rail system adjustment perfect analysis of the sub prestige political transformation in the form of a composition process; 3, sum up features of Russian political transition form, make the sub prestige political transformation in the form of judgment. The third sector, Russia's political transformation of the form of motivation analysis, from four aspects: 1, Russia's economic growth is the final cause of the formation of the political transformation of the sub authority; 2, Russia's international political relations is the direct cause of the sub authority political transformation form. 3, the Russian social structure characteristics are the structural causes of the political transformation of the sub authority; 4, the Russian political tradition and civilization is the deep cause of the formation of the political transformation of its sub prestige. The coordination of various factors to form a history of cooperation. The fourth part, the Russian political transformation forms of growth and Enlightenment: 1, through the process of democratic politics in Russia as well as the rail system, economic basic, customer indecent the analysis, pointed out that the Russian plain near the main political support go15, sub prestige political form transition will be long-standing; 2, test the form of Russian political transition of the composition and growth of political transition and political transformation research some inspiration. The novelty of this paper lies in: 1, this paper will discuss the political transformation of the actual and the country together, in order to Russia's political transformation as a case, made the country's political transformation research test; 2, from the Russian special history, the impact on the formation and growth of the Russian political transformation of economic, political, social, cultural and political analysis of the reasons for the political analysis of the test. 目录: |