
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The current Russian society, market economy and legal system construction and the coherent decay like a raging fire, achievement has intensified, the urgency of the anti decay has also become increasingly prominent. Decay of social performance serious obstacles to the growth of Ankang, like a "cancer", to be removed. As long as the full understanding of the nature, cause and effect, the ability to stop attacks on this kind of negative images useful. In twenty-first Century, the "Meipu combination" of Russian heavy scene decay counterattack, to curb Russia international momentum decay. After 2017, Medvedev stepped down, "Medvedev Putin combination continued decisively to attack the rotten scene, President Dmitry Medvedev recombinant anti decay Committee, and personally responsible for chairman of the committee, pushing the anti decay law" introduced. However, the situation is not Russia international rotten pessimism. On July 14, 2017, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the Russian parliament lawmakers in the house of Lords committee solemnly pointed out: "rot is one of the main achievement of Russian society, one is Russia countries face the greatest threat. Corruption is our country a hundred tire and said the new topic. People are watching, the country is what change. But currently, there is no people on anti-corruption task of the reality of the situation meet a whether popular still officials even rotten member are not satisfied! We did not get the essence of the anti-corruption task results." However, Russia has not stalled pace of anti-corruption. Why the rotten scene repeated? Why Russia decay scores theingrained? What are the Russian decay scene? The Russian authorities have adopted measures to eradicate the rot? How effective? Russia's repeated road to decide on what path to follow? In this paper, the author based on the above results, the Russian anti-corruption Medvedev Putin Era research and analysis. On the Russian anti-corruption issues profound research, is helpful for us to master the social transformation in Russia's intention, has the practical significance, but also for the rest of the world's anti-corruption task significance.


摘要   2   引言   4   第一章 当代俄罗斯腐败问题概述   4-16       第一节 当代俄罗斯腐败现象   4-6       第二节 俄罗斯腐败特点   6-16   第二章 梅普时期的反腐败方法   16-31       第一节 梅普时期俄罗斯腐败问题的严重性   16-19       第二节 俄罗斯政府所采取的反腐方法及收效   19-28       第三节 2017 年俄罗斯宣布反腐失败的原因   28-31   第三章 对梅普时期反腐问题的反思   31-34       第一节 俄罗斯反腐之路如何继续   31-32       第二节 俄罗斯反腐给人们带来的启示   32-34   结束语   34-35   参考文献   35-37  
