
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Since the transition in 1991, Russia has experienced different political forms of change and choice, of course, the way of political democracy is definitely, but by the impact of various factors, the Russian people's main way is very complex and extremely difficult. Russia is a thousand years of history and civilization of the traditional ethnic minority, special political civilization in Russia's political development process to play a major role. This paper attempts to make a more system analysis from the perspective of the Russian tradition and the ancient political civilization, the desire to draw some in-depth understanding of the Russian political growth in the political civilization. In the analysis of the basic concept of political civilization and its effect basically, from the traditional Russian political civilization formation and evolution of the basic social work, through the analysis of the process of all levels and many factors to be familiar with the Russian traditional political civilization characteristic and its influence on the Russian nation and country, and through the process of Soviet Russia's traditional the political civilization of the continuation of the analysis, further interpretation of the great tension of Russia's traditional political civilization; and then transition to the research on Russian political civilization since the transition, followed by analysis of important choice and change of Russian political form, composition of the Russian political civilization has produced new change, the emergence of a new political civilization characteristic in the political development and political civilization represent many discomfort to Russia after political growth brought a lot of embarrassment Environment and difficulties; the first is the analysis of the construction of ancient Russian political civilization, and thus draws some conclusions and inspiration. The ancient political civilization construction need disposal of tradition and ancient, the relationship between eastern and indigenous needs to complete the innovation and reform of political civilization, to democratic political development offers the connotation of support and guarantee.


中文摘要   5-6   Abstract   6-7   绪论   8-10   第一章 政治文化及其在政治发展中的影响   10-16       第一节 政治文化的概念和结构概述   10-13       第二节 政治文化的一般功能和影响   13-15       第三节 政治文化在政治发展中的影响   15-16   第二章 俄罗斯传统政治文化的多重因子和层面略论   16-30       第一节 俄罗斯传统政治文化生成和演进的社会基础条件   17-20           一、特殊的地理自然条件   17-18           二、农奴制和农村公社   18-19           三、专制特权的沙皇权威   19           四、东正教的特殊信仰   19-20       第二节 俄罗斯传统政治文化的多重因子及其特点   20-27           一、两种文明滋养出的特殊的民族心理及其矛盾特性   20-22           二、孤独、怀疑和不安引来的绵绵不绝的大国情节   22-23           三、东正教的信仰和救世主义精神   23-24           四、农村公社的传统和集体主义   24-26           五、专制和权威主义传统与民众的顺从心理、依赖习惯和精英崇拜   26-27       第三节 苏联时期俄罗斯传统政治文化的延续   27-30           一、难以突破的历史传统   27-28           二、不同方面的表现和解释   28-29           三、小结   29-30   第三章 转轨以来俄罗斯政治文化的发展变化   30-47       第一节 从激进民主到权威主义政治发展模式的选择和转变   30-31       第二节 转轨以来俄罗斯政治文化的构成和特点   31-40           一、多元政治文化的综合作用   31-32           二、俄罗斯民族主义的复兴和大国思想的又一次高涨   32-34           三、权威主义的再度兴起及其解释   34-37           四、民主的期待和追求   37-39           五、用东正教占领意识形态的“真空”   39-40       第三节 当前俄罗斯政治发展过程中政治文化的不适反映   40-47           一、民主的主要威胁—中央集权的加强和民众的漠视与冷淡   40-43           二、无源之水,无本之木的民主困境   43-44           三、主流政治文化的缺失—政治思潮和“俄罗斯新思想”给出的暗示   44-45           四、历史和现实的角力—对民众心理和价值取向的深刻解读   45-47   第四章 俄罗斯现代政治文化构建   47-59       第一节 困境中的俄罗斯现代政治文化   47-53           一、俄罗斯现代政治文化的基本内容和要求   47-50           二、俄罗斯现代政治文化的构建存在的问题和困境   50-53       第二节 俄罗斯现代政治文化构建的基本趋势及其启示   53-59           一、当前俄罗斯政治文化发展的基本趋势   53-55           二、俄罗斯政治文化探讨的基本结论和启示   55-59   结束语   59-60   主要参考文献   60-63   后记   63-64  
