
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



Non profit organization is independent to the authorities and the markets outside of the third part, grew up in the plain of national political democracy and globalization of the world economy ceaselessly, in the context of, this may be from a third party perspective restrict and affect the government and the market dual growth strength arises at the historic moment. Russia's non profit organization the earliest is in tsarist Russia national social organizations for lower shape emerged, along with the advance of history, its growth experience the tsarist Russia the feudal period, highly centralized power in the Soviet Union period, to the Russian plain near the main transition period, different social background training characteristics and efficacy of these group differences. Now, Russia international is gradually freed former Soviet influence toward expanding ceaselessly plain near the main of way forward, non-profit organizations now need conform to the unstable social situation, disposal organization inside and outside of the kinds of complex relations, deal with from the authorities and social various provocation, to assume the difficult social obligations. 90 years at the beginning of the month after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian non-profit organization from the national reform of the management systems of release of social space obtained the very big growth opportunity, the sports content and exercise methods also once followed period of growth and expansion, the movement category are becoming more common. Although at this stage is not free to the authorities the deep attachment, but have begun to realize and from supporting the livelihood of the organization social dimensions of the main parties collaboration needs and main, if need to obtain plain of the public support and trust, enterprise's capital and manpower support, by the media comprehensive understand and with sufficient cooperation. But current Russia does not go fully at ease plain near the main way that authorities temporary control of non profit organizations directly restricts its subsistence and development, and a direct impact on the social subjects of cognition and position. From the Putin Era severely restricted to Dmitry Medvedev during the first growth, authorities the position also gradually change, because it is a kind of strong social strength, is bound with the changing times and ceaseless progress. Bias toward own movement of this article is from the Russian non-profit organization develops the current situation to start, introduced in recent years to organize the content, methods, effects on the society, from the government level and the social level, including plain nearly all the angle, the angle of enterprises and media point of view to review the organization's growth and organizational ability, the invention of the authorities of this kind of organization governance in the process of the emergence of the results, and the organization itself growth in achievement, wishes through these can perhaps for China's social organization governance in supply, so as to better luring them in a positive, full of movement forward, to promote the social steady progress, enhance the plain near the main social coordinated development makes contribution.

