摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,俄语专业论文,俄语毕业论文,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 暗斗停止今后,欧洲年夜陆的地缘政治格式产生了天翻地覆的变更。本来友好的俄罗斯与欧盟迎来了改良双边关系的汗青契机。虽然两边依然存在一系列抵触与不合,但俄罗斯与欧盟照样掌握住了这一可贵的机会,改良了彼此之间的关系。本文即以轨制化协作为切入点商量俄欧关系。俄罗斯与欧盟在政治上的互相借势、经济上的互相依附和平安上的密弗成分决议了两边存在轨制化协作的需求。经由两边配合尽力,俄罗斯与欧盟曾经在政治、经济、平安等范畴树立了全方位的轨制化协作关系。但是,汗青文明和价值不雅的差别、两边目的上的纷歧致、欧盟东扩后遗症的负面感化、权势规模的争取和美国身分等都对俄欧关系有着不容疏忽的制约感化。这使得俄欧关系轨制化协作存在位置不屈衡、互信水平不高、协作程度无限等弱点。近几年,俄欧之间抵触和磨擦显著激化,俄欧关系走到了一个新的十字路口。但因为两边日趋互相依附而且在很多方面存在配合好处,是以,战胜不合防止反抗,经由过程对话与协作的措施来处置双边关系仍然是俄罗斯与欧盟的最好选择。 Abstract: Stop the infighting in the future, continental Europe's geopolitical have changed format. Originally friendly Russia and the EU ushered in the history of improving bilateral relations. Although there are still a series of conflicts on both sides, but the Russian and the European Union still hold this valuable opportunity to improve the relationship between the other. This paper takes the system of cooperation as a starting point to discuss the relations between Russia and europe. Russia and the EU mutual borrowing strength in the political and economic mutual dependence and peace on a close decision of the present on both sides of the needs of institutional collaboration. Through the two sides cooperate, Russia and the European Union in the political, economic, security and other areas to establish a full range of rail system collaboration relationship. However, histories, cultures and values differences, on both sides of the abhorrent, negative effect of EU enlargement sequelae, and the scale of the power of fight and American identity are on relations between Russia and the EU have not neglect the restrict action. This makes the system of cooperative relations between Russia and Europe are position imbalance, trust level is not high, the weakness of infinite degree of collaboration. In recent years, the conflict and friction between Russia and Europe significantly intensified, relations between Russia and Europe reached a new crossroads. But because the two sides are increasingly dependent on each other and there are many ways to cooperate in many ways, it is the best choice for Russia and the EU to deal with the bilateral relations through dialogue and cooperation. 目录: 摘要 2-3 ABSTRACT 3-4 目录 5-7 第一章 绪论 7-12 1.1 探讨背景及探讨意义 7-8 1.1.1 探讨背景 7-8 1.1.2 探讨意义 8 1.2 文献综述 8-10 1.2.1 国外探讨近况 8-9 1.2.2 国内探讨近况 9-10 1.3 论文结构及探讨措施 10-12 1.3.1 论文结构 10-11 1.3.2 探讨措施 11-12 第二章 俄欧关系制度化动因 12-19 2.1 国际制度的基本理论 12-13 2.2 俄欧关系制度化的动因 13-19 2.2.1 政治上的相互借重 14-15 2.2.2 经济上的相互依赖 15-17 2.2.3 安全上的密不可分 17-19 第三章 俄欧关系制度化的进程和成果 19-30 3.1 俄欧关系制度化的进程 19-22 3.1.1 酝酿与初步探究阶段(1992--1994) 19 3.1.2 建立与逐步提升阶段(1994--1999) 19-20 3.1.3 深入与全面完善阶段(2000--2017) 20-21 3.1.4 挫折与矛盾凸显阶段(2017 年至今) 21-22 3.2 俄欧关系制度化建设成果 22-30 3.2.1 政治领域的制度化建设 22-25 3.2.2 经济领域的制度化建设 25-27 3.2.3 安全领域的制度化建设 27-30 第四章 俄欧关系制度化的制约因素 30-41 4.1 双方在目标上的不一致 30-32 4.2 历史文化和价值观异同 32-34 4.3 欧盟东扩后遗症 34-36 4.4 势力范围的争夺 36-38 4.5 美国因素 38-41 第五章 俄欧关系制度化的局限性 41-49 5.1 制度化框架内双方博弈力量不平衡 41-44 5.2 制度化框架内的互信程度不高 44-46 5.3 制度化框架内的合作水平有限 46-49 第六章 俄欧关系制度化前景 49-52 6.1 终止《伙伴关系与合作协定》且不用任何其他协议来取代 49-50 6.2 延长现有的《伙伴关系与合作协定》 50 6.3 重新签订一份新条约 50-52 结语 52-53 参考文献 53-57 致谢 57-58 攻读学位期间的学术论文情况 58-61 |