摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 叶利钦时期的俄罗斯自苏联崩溃后,采用了保守式的转型措施,期冀经由过程“休克疗法”疾速的解脱其时僵化的筹划经济系统,进而完成经济的增加。现实上,“休克疗法”给俄罗斯带来的倒是长时光的阑珊和国民生涯程度的急剧降低,俄语毕业论文,并激发出诸多社会公正成绩。自普京下台今后,俄罗斯当局完全废弃以往照搬照抄东方蓬勃国度经历的做法,联合本国现实开端摸索相符本国国情的经济成长途径。从现实情形来看,不管是在成长经济方面照样在处理社会公正成绩方面,普京当局的做法都有必定的后果。与此同时,我国以后在经济转型进程中也面对着一些凸起的社会公正成绩,为此国度提出了创立协调社会的目的,其本质也就是要保持经济改造成长的条件下处理社会公正成绩。是以,研究俄罗斯的经济转型和社会公正成绩对于以后我国创立协调社会具有必定的启示意义。 论文主体分为三个部门。 第一部门阐释了经济转型的实际基本,经由过程研究俄罗斯经济转型的过程,剖析得出俄罗斯经济转型的绩效。第二部门侧重剖析了俄罗斯经济转型中涌现的社会公正成绩的现状及缘由,如支出分派成绩、社会保证和其他成绩。第三部门阐释了公正成绩的实际基本,并经由过程对普京时期俄罗斯管理社会公正成绩的经历研究,终究得出对我国的启发。 Abstract: Yeltsin period of Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the use of conservative transformation method, the process of "shock therapy", the rapid release of the rigid planning economic system, and then to complete the economic increase. In fact, the "shock therapy" brought to Russia's long time has decreased sharply and the national standard of living, and inspire many achievements of social justice. Since Putin stepped down in the future, the Russian authorities have completely abandoned the previous copy of eastern developed countries experience, combined with their actual economic growth to start exploring their own way. From the reality of the situation, whether in the growth of the economy in the process of dealing with social justice, the practice of the Putin authorities have certain consequences. At the same time, in the process of economic transformation, China has also faced a number of outstanding social justice, for the purpose of the establishment of a harmonious society, the essence is to maintain the economic transformation and growth of social justice. In order to study the economic transformation and social justice of Russia, it is necessary to create a harmonious society in China. The main body of this paper is divided into three sections. The first part explains the fact of economic transformation, and analyzes the process of Russia's economic transition, and analyzes the performance of Russia's economic transition. The second section focuses on the analysis of the current situation and reasons of the emergence of social justice in Russia's economic transition, such as the allocation of expenses, social security and other achievements. The third section explains the practical basic of the justice, and through the process of the Putin period, Russia's management of social justice, the experience of the research, and finally come to China's inspiration. 目录: 封面 1-2 |