
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



This paper involved the "May Fourth Times", refers to the bursting from November 7, 1917 the Russian October Revolution to the July 1, 1921 China Communist Party established so far. This is a time scale in this paper. In this era, this article from the comparative literature spread the actual set out, discuss the Chinese translation of Russian elegant four grades. The first one is to analyze the Russian school in Chinese had the gentle reason. Second, from Russia elegant new carding the translation of the works of historical data, for the first time that the translation of this era of Russia elegant works of really more of a number. The three is an overview of this era of Russian elegant literary translation characteristics. The four is to discuss the influence of the age of the Russian School of what happened China elegant literary activities. In this paper, in the category of the research, to fill the descendants of this era Russian elegant school in translation studies lack, so that this research move forward one step. This is exactly the value and significance of this paper.


中文摘要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4   目录   5-6   前言   6-10   第一章 五四时期俄罗斯文学翻译盛极一时   10-17       第一节 五四前译介俄罗斯文学的情况   11-13       第二节 五四国人对俄罗斯文学的认识   13-15       第三节 五四新文学与兴俄罗斯文学翻译   15-17   第二章 五四时期俄罗斯文学作家著作在中国的传播   17-64       第一节 普希金   17-21       第二节 果戈里   21-23       第三节 屠格涅夫   23-25       第四节 列夫.托尔斯泰   25-33       第五节 柯罗连科   33-34       第六节 契诃夫   34-37       第七节 高尔基   37-41       第八节 索洛古勃   41-42       第九节 库普林   42-43       第十节 安德列耶夫   43-45       第十一节 阿尔志跋绥夫   45-48       第十二节 其他作家   48-55       第十三节 五四译介俄罗斯文学特点略论   55-64   第三章 俄罗斯文学对中国的作用   64-87       第一节 俄罗斯文学对新文学运动的作用   64-74       第二节 俄罗斯文学对周作人早期文学观的作用   74-80       第三节 俄罗斯文学对李大钊早期新文学观的作用   80-87   结语   87-90   主要参考文献   90-93   后记   93  
