
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-19



The penalty is a peculiar structure and operation rules of discipline of the complex system, each kind of penalty also has established itself elements. Familiar to this kind of rules, must need appropriate familiar objects, the Eph into prevent proposed a topic, and illegal to get familiar with the object that the crime should be absolutely and punishment as a system of rules, familiar to every kind of penalty rules, we need a familiar perceptual objects, namely punishment. Penwoulsternativey external composition and the relationship between these factors and the location changes, directly outside of retribution, utilitarian and harmonic reality and contend, directly determine the intent of legislators and the national mood and make legal person of national compulsory measures familiar, at some level of resolution the society of all legal shape. Long-term since, relative to the crime research of letting a hundred flowers blossom, punishment is composed of research is in front of the depression, and this significantly restricts the penwoulsternativey actual further growth. This article through to the growth of the Russian Federation penal system make comprehensive retrospective analysis, it is concluded that the social science research methods and the definition of penalty concept has a certain degree of rationality and advanced sex. Using etymology, semantics, psychology and religious history of the way to resolve completely the essence of penalty of the Russian Federation, the penalty essence research into the deeper and more meticulous, more scientific level. The comprehensive interpretation of the Russian Federal penalty system content, characteristics, especially the new composition of the actual penalty. Pointed out that the penalty subject, object and objective aspect and the objective aspect is composed of four elements of penalty. A systematic approach to analyze the penalty and remind penwoulsternativey external constituent elements and penalty function, the goal and the value, is a kind of brand-new academic test and penwoulsternativey stop comprehensive, cognitive science need opportunities. Set up complete, system composition of penalty theory, not only on the way of change, and has important theoretical significance. This paper also discuss Russian penwoulsternativey basic rail system, put forward the perfect punishment of our country basic rail system reform and perfect proposal.


内容提要   5-9   绪论   9-23       一、题目探讨的迫切性和探讨状况   9-19       二、题目探讨的目的、任务和意义   19-21       三、论文的结构及探讨措施   21-23   第1章 俄罗斯联邦刑罚概念考察   23-34       1.1 俄罗斯刑罚概念的传统学说   23-30           1.1.1 俄罗斯刑罚观念的历史变迁   23-27           1.1.2 刑罚概念的传统学说   27-30       1.2 现行俄罗斯联邦刑法典中的刑罚概念和特征   30-32           1.2.1 本质特征   30-31           1.2.2 说明刑罚内容的特征   31           1.2.3 说明刑罚形式的特征   31-32       1.3 对俄罗斯刑罚概念的综合略论   32-34   第2章 俄罗斯联邦刑罚本质辨析   34-49       2.1 对于俄罗斯联邦刑罚本质的争论   34-38           2.1.1 惩罚说   34-37           2.1.2 非惩罚说   37-38       2.2 对于俄罗斯联邦刑罚本质的解析   38-48           2.2.1 本质和性质的区别   38-39           2.2.2 惩罚、刑罚和强制的区别   39-44           2.2.3 刑罚、刑事惩罚和刑事刑罚的演变过程   44-45           2.2.4 惩罚、强制与痛苦的关系   45-48       2.3 对于俄罗斯联邦刑罚本质的述评   48-49   第3章 俄罗斯联邦刑罚的构成   49-88       3.1 刑罚构成理论的一般学说   50-57           3.1.1 “刑罚构成”建立的理论前提   50-52           3.1.2 刑罚构成理论一般论述   52-57       3.2 俄罗斯联邦刑罚客体   57-64           3.2.1 刑罚客体学说概览   57-59           3.2.2 刑罚客体--法益理论的发展   59-64       3.3 俄罗斯联邦刑罚的客观方面   64-71           3.3.1 刑罚客观方面的定义   64-65           3.3.2 刑罚客观方面的社会法学本质   65           3.3.3 刑罚客观方面的影响方式   65-66           3.3.4 刑罚客观方面的社会法学功能   66-70           3.3.5 刑罚客观方面只是手段而不是目的   70-71       3.4 俄罗斯联邦刑罚的主体   71-81           3.4.1 刑罚主体的界定   71-72           3.4.2 刑罚主体的具体机构   72-81       3.5 俄罗斯联邦刑罚的主观方面   81-86           3.5.1 刑罚主观方面的理论争论   81-82           3.5.2 刑罚主观方面述评   82-86       3.6 对于俄罗斯刑罚构成理论的总体评价   86-88   第4章 俄罗斯联邦刑罚本质、构成与刑罚体系的关系   88-97       4.1 俄罗斯联邦刑罚本质和构成的内在联系   88-89       4.2 刑罚体系的概念、内容和意义   89-91           4.2.1 刑罚体系概念   89-90           4.2.2 刑罚体系内容   90           4.2.3 刑罚体系的意义   90-91       4.3 现行俄罗斯联邦刑罚的分类和定刑准则   91-95           4.3.1 俄罗斯联邦刑罚的分类   91-92           4.3.2 俄罗斯联邦刑法的定刑准则   92-94           4.3.3 俄罗斯联邦现行《刑法典》对于定刑的准则   94-95       4.4 俄罗斯联邦刑罚的本质和构成与刑罚体系的辩证关系   95-97   第5章 俄罗斯联邦刑罚目的与刑罚本质和构成的关系   97-112       5.1 俄罗斯联邦刑罚目的概说   97-105           5.1.1 对于刑罚目的之学说流派   97-98           5.1.2 现当代俄罗斯联邦刑罚目的学说争鸣   98-103           5.1.3 对现当代俄罗斯刑罚目的学说的述评   103-105       5.2 现行俄罗斯联邦刑罚目的解析   105-110           5.2.1 刑罚目的之恢复社会公正   106-107           5.2.2 刑罚目的之改造犯罪人   107-108           5.2.3 刑罚目的之预防实施新的犯罪   108-110       5.3 俄罗斯联邦刑罚目的与本质、构成的辩证关系   110-112   第6章 俄罗斯联邦刑罚制度探讨对我国刑罚制度探讨的启示   112-134       6.1 对于刑罚理论探讨的措施论变革问题   112-113       6.2 我国刑罚制度基本理论的重审和界定   113-134           6.2.1 对于我国刑罚概念的探讨   113-119           6.2.2 对于我国刑罚本质的探讨   119-127           6.2.3 对于我国刑罚构成的探讨   127-134   结论   134-138   参考文献   138-145   攻博期间的学术论文   145-146   致谢   146-148   中文摘要   148-151   Abstract   151-153  
