
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-21

Abstract:Language as a with cultural heritage and social exchanges necessary tools and means at the same time, it is to promote human civilization and social progress, constantly does not changed, it always embodies the process of human civilization and social development. Words are the most active factors in the language, and are the most important structural units in the language. The greatest feature of words is the direct reflection of reality, its basic function is to say the name of the function, the expression of human life in a new thing, a new phenomenon, a new concept. Soviet period, the expression patterns of language requirements very strict, for the use of word formation in the Russian has a very standardized and rigorous principles, however, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia's economy, politics and culture have taken place in the great changes, resulting in Russian great changes has taken place in the word formation, has been developing rapidly. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the process of Russian analysis and liberalization accelerated. On the system of word formation had an impact, mainly for shortening word formation mechanism of variation and combination of word formation mechanism of variation and word formation into the pigment properties variation. This also directly leads to the gradual change of the Russian word formation from a single to multiple, word formation patterns on the fixed tend to be flexible, the nature of the word formation by the comprehensive analysis and so on.

