
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-21

Abstract:Oral communication is the most basic form of oral communication. It is one of the most basic principles of dialogue. In the context of the context, the Russian dialogue can and tend to omit all the components of the province. The language of the Russian language has a direct impact on the context and is highly dependent on it. Verbal communication is a two-way communication between the two sides. The context is the medium of communication between the speaker and the listener ".

引言:一、语境及其基本要素语境(context,контекст)这一术语最早是由波兰籍人类学家Ma linowski提出的。目前,语言学界对“语境”问题尚未达成共识。但一般存在着广义和狭义两种理解。广义的语境包括篇章中的上下文或话语中的前言后语;发生言语行为时的实际情景,如交谈者(
