
资料分类免费俄语论文 责任编辑:阿米更新时间:2017-05-21

Abstract:Slang is the informal and colloquial words. As a daily language, it is a great language, regional, but also a certain cultural and social background. Every country has its own slang system, and all kinds of Russian slang also have strong expression function, indicating function and aesthetic function. Today, in Russia's television broadcasting programs, often hear many foreign slang, such as OK, wow, yes, and so on, while the computer slang as a new, from the English speaking countries, in addition to the language of the country with the style of the language, in the transformed into Russian vocabulary will also be given to Russian language.

引言:1引言计算机技术自20世纪下半页起开始迅猛发展,特别是在80年代中期,计算机技术侵占了俄罗斯的个人电脑市场,与此同时,随着计算机技术在俄罗斯市场的蔓延,也给俄语语言注入了大量新的专业词汇及术语。比如:(网卡,英文:network card),(微处理器,英文:micropro-cessor),(操作系
