摘要:第二外语教学应该是外语专业院系的一门重要基础课,俄语论文题目,由于课时少、内容多,教学效果一直不理想。本文通过对我院第二外语一俄语课时各种不同的设置方式进行了略论,俄语论文,提出了较为理想的课时设置以及二外教学中应采用的教材、如何进行教学,以提高教学效果,使学生学有所获。 Abstract:The second foreign language teaching should be one of the important and basic courses of the Department of foreign language professional, due to fewer hours, content, teaching effect has not been ideal. Based on the second foreign language a Russian class all different analysis proposed ideal class arrangement and teaching as a second foreign language in the textbooks, how to carry on the teaching, to improve the teaching effect and make students learn to have received. 引言:引言随着世界经济的发展,以外语为媒介的劳动力市场极为广阔。为了适应劳动力市场的需要,为了学生将来谋求发展的需要,培养出更多的、掌握多种外语的人才,这就向高校外语教学提出了严峻的课题:怎样在合理的有限的时间内搞好二外俄语教学,使学生在较短的时间内初步掌握除专业 |