摘要:略论俄语句子成分在译成中文后的几种常见词序、语序和句序的变动情况,结合科技文献资料例句做为引证,说明掌握词序、语序和句序变动特点与规律对科技俄语翻译的重要性。 Abstract:Analysis Russian sentence in translation into Chinese of several common word, word order and sentence order changes, combined with the science and technology literature. Do cited that grasp the importance of word, word order and sentence sequence changes in the characteristics and rules of the translation of Russian for science and technology. 引言:科技翻译的目的是使读者通过译文准确地了解原著内容,做为开展科研和技术工作时的依据与参考。这就要求译文内容准确完整,语言简练规范。鉴于俄汉两种语言在语法规范、句型和习惯用语等方面存在巨大异同,要求翻译工作者在具体工作中,要充分利用所掌握的语法规范与要求,根据语 ,俄语论文范文,俄语论文网站 |