浅谈中国阿拉伯语教育和阿拉伯国家汉语教育 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:金忠杰[1] 李红梅[2] JIN Zhong-jie , LI Hong-mei (1. School of Arabic Studies, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021 ; 2. School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu, Nanjing 210097)

机构地区:[1]宁夏大学阿拉伯学院,宁夏银川750021 [2]南京师范大学外国语学院,江苏南京210097

出  处:《回族探讨》2017年第3期97-103,共7页Researches on the Hui

基  金:2017年度宁夏高校科学探讨项目(NGY2017038); 2017年度宁夏留学人员创新创业项目(宁人社发[2017]516号)

摘  要:唐永徽二年(651年),阿拉伯王朝遣使来华,阿拉伯穆斯林为传承文化讲授阿拉伯语,开中国阿拉伯语教育先河。唐天宝十载(751年),杜环旅居西亚北非12年,成为中国古代首位游历阿拉伯国家之人,由此揭开阿拉伯国家汉语教育的历史一页。管窥中国阿拉伯语教育和阿拉伯国家汉语教育,均经历了由民间零散式到大学学科式的发展过程,一方面深刻见证了中国与阿拉伯国家的文化教育交流,另一方面为中阿双方在诸多领域的交流合作提供了智力资源和人才支撑。On the 2nd year of Yonghui,Tang Dynasty,the first ambassador from Arabic Kingdom arrived in China,along with him,was Islam the religion.For the purpose of spreading Arabic culture,the teaching of Arabic language started at the same time in China.Then on the 10 th year of Tianbao,Tang Dynasty,Du Huan,a Chinese who travelled around Western Asia and North Africa for 12 years,became the first Chinese who started the teaching of Chinese language in Arabic countries.To dig deeper,we find that these two language teachings followed a similar track in development,that is,a trajectory from a scattered non-governmental teaching to an academic pattern of university teaching.In the past,they witnessed how cultural and educational communication between China and Arabic countries grew from sprout to bloom.While now,they continue to serve as the propeller to produce more intellectual talents for social interaction in many fields.

关 键 词:中阿教育 语言教学 对外汉语 对外阿语 
