混合云模式下移动学习环境的设计与实现--以微信公共平台下阿拉伯语课程学习为例 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:田嵩[1] 魏启荣[2] TlAN Song, WEl Qirong (1. Education Technology Center, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024 2. Arabic Department, Beifing International Studies University, Beijing 100024)

机构地区:[1]北京第二外国语学院 教育技术中心,北京100024 [2]北京第二外国语学院 阿拉伯语系,北京100024

出  处:《开放教育探讨》2017年第6期103-110,共8页Open Education Research

基  金:北京第二外国语学院阿拉伯探讨中心“2017年科研基地建设科技创新平台--外国语言文学学科国际化建设”(395013);北京第二外国语学院校级科研项目“移动学习关键技术与发展趋势探讨”(090041)的阶段性探讨成果.

摘  要:微信公共平台依靠微信运用成熟的用户群体和独特的消息发布以及关注方式,迅速地被各类媒体和组织所接受。该平台具有信息可信度高、媒体展现丰富、互动方式多样等特点,阿拉伯语毕业论文,加之微信可以兼容多种网络环境和智能移动终端系统,能广泛运用,具备作为移动语言学习平台的基础。简单地将微信公共平台运用于教学活动中,在功能性、私密性等会受到诸多限制,阿拉伯语论文范文,利用微信公共平台提供的开放数据接口,将本地搭建的微网站与微信公共平台相结合,即可实现基于混合云模式的移动学习环境,克服公有云模式下移动学习环境的不足。为了验证这种移动学习环境的可行性,本探讨选择阿拉伯语课程为案例,以微信公共平台作为移动学习环境运行的基础,以本地微网站作为阿拉伯语课程的资源中心开展探讨。探讨提出了一种移动学习效果的评价模型,以期从可靠性、时效性、满意度等方面对移动学习环境进行评价。Wechat public platform rapidly had been accepted by various media and organizations, because Wechat ap-plication has a large number of users and a unique way of message push and user attention. Wechat public platform has the following advantages: better information reliability, rich media show, variety of interactive methods and so on. At same time Wechat app can be compatible with a variety of network environment and smart phone system, even can seamless switch between 2G/3G and Wi-Fi network. So Wechat public platform has good cross-platform features, and it can become the basis platform as a service ( PAAS) of mobile language learning. In fact, directly to integrate Wechat public platform into teaching activities, it will bring a lot of restrictions in terms of functionality and privacy. Fortunately, Wechat public platform provides open data interface. Using these data interfaces, we can integrate local micro site into Wechat public platform. In Wechat public platform, we can push group messages, reply the private mes-sages and manage users, and also can monitor users and messages status. In local micro site, we can complete the construction of the curriculum system and the learning resource center. Wechat public platform and local micro sites comprise the hybrid cloud model of mobile learning environment, and this model has the advantage of public cloud and private cloud. The URL+Token is used to implement the authentication process between public cloud and private cloud, and the access token is used to complete data communication. In this article, the example we have chosen is the Arabic course with the obvious characteristic of language learn-ing in our school. We know the usage of Wechat application reached one hundred percent according to the question-naire at the beginning of this term. At first, the teacher needs to finish the work is to apply for a subscription number in Wechat official website. And then, the teacher can provide teaching work in mobile learning environment. Wechat public platf

关 键 词:移动学习 
