本文所研讨的就是投资者心理因素关于其投资行为的作用,是基于越南股票市场的实证探讨,这方面相关的实证探讨目前相对较少。本文所采用的主要探讨措施是计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior),它是一种应用在人类行为探讨中的极具作用力的行为理论探讨模式,由Ajzen于1988年提出。计划行为理论是由理性行为理论(Theory of Reasoned Action)发展扩充而来,它能帮助我们理解人是如何改变自己的行为模式的,并用于预测实际行为的发生。鉴于众多学者已经验证了计划行为理论关于有效市场假设和股票市场的实际探讨具有适用性,因此本文将该理论作为主要的理论探讨工具,它为本文的越南股票市场个体投资者决策行为探讨提供了强有力的技术支持。
【关键词】:越南股票指数 个体投资者 心理因素 行为意图 态度 主观规范 知觉行为控制
摘要7-9 ABSTRACT9-11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS11-17 LIST OF FIGURES17-19 LIST OF TABLES19-20 ABBREVIATIONS20-21 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION21-30 1.1 Introduction21 1.2 Background to the thesis21-26 1.3 Objective and object of the thesis26 1.4 Research questions26-28 1.5 Outline of the thesis28-30 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW30-46 2.1 Introduction30 2.2 Definition of individual investors and individual investors’ behaviour30-31 2.3 Efficient Market Hypothesis31-36 2.3.1 Efficient market and forms of efficient market hypothesis31-32 2.3.2 Empirical evidence on weak-form market efficiency32-36 2.4 The Theory of Planned Behaviour36-41 2.4.1 Review of the theory of planned behaviour36-38 2.4.2 Basic rules of the theory of planned behaviour38-39 2.4.3 Determinants of intention and behaviour39-40 2.4.4 Empirical applications of theory of planned behaviour40-41 2.5 Conceptual framework and research procedure41-45 2.5.1 Conceptual framework of the determinants of individual investors’ behaviour41-42 2.5.2 Research procedure42 2.5.3 Research design42-45 2.6 Conclusion45-46 Chapter 3: OVERVIEW ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND EFFICIENCY OF THE VIETNAMESE STOCK MARKET46-84 3.1 Introduction46-48 3.2 Overview on the history and development of the Vietnamese stock market48-65 3.2.1 Organisation and operation of the Vietnamese stock market48-55 3.2.2 Overview of the Vietnamese stock market’s performance55-65 3.3 Efficiency of the Vietnamese stock market (Study 1)65-82 3.3.1 Data and research methodology66-74 3.3.2 Empirical findings74-80 3.3.3 Conclusion80-82 3.4 Conclusions82-84 Chapter 4: VIETNAMESE INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS’ BEHAVIOR IN THE STOCK MARKET: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY (Study 2)84-95 4.1 Introduction84 4.2 Methodology84-85 4.3 Data collection and analysis85-86 4.4 Results and Discussion86-94 4.5 Conclusions94-95 Chapter 5: FACTORS INFLUENCING INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR BEHAVIOUR: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE VIETNAMESE STOCK MARKET (Study 3)95-132 5.1 Introduction95-96 5.2 Research model and hypotheses96-106 5.2.1 Intention to make decision among individual investors97 5.2.2 Determinants of behavioural intention97-100 5.2.3 Decomposing the theory of planned behaviour100-101 5.2.4 Decomposing attitudinal belief structures101-104 5.2.5 Moderating effects of gender and experience level104-106 5.3 Research model106-107 5.4 Research methodology107-109 5.4.1 Research constructs107-108 5.4.2 Data collection108 5.4.3 Data analysis108-109 5.5 Results and discussion109-129 5.5.1 Sample characteristic description109-110 5.5.2 Frequency and average values of questionnaire responses capturing individual investors’ psychological elements110-115 5.5.3 Frequency and average values of questionnaire responses capturing the determinants of individual investors’ behaviour115-119 5.5.4 The measurement model119-122 5.5.5 The structural model122-129 5.6 Conclusions129-132 Chapter 6: OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS132-138 6.1 Introduction132 6.2 Conclusions132-135 6.3 Limitations and suggestions further research135-138 REFERENCES138-149 AUTHOR PUBLICATIONS149-150 APPENDICES150-190 APPENDIX 1: IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS151-154 APPENDIX 2: QUESTIONNAIRE154-160 APPENDIX 3: Descriptive statistics for weekly returns of the VN-Index160-162 APPENDIX 4: Results of auto-correlation tests for weekly returns of the VN-Index162-166 APPENDIX 5: Results of run tests for weekly returns of the VN-Index166-167 APPENDIX 6: Variance ratio tests for VN-Index for the weekly base observation period167-175 APPENDIX 7: Results of Reliability testing (Cronbach’s alpha)175-179 APPENDIX 8: Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)179-183 APPENDIX 9: Result of hypotheses testing183-186 APPENDIX 10: Testing Moderation of Gender186-188 APPENDIX 11: Testing moderation of Experience level188-190 |