
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南金融动荡探讨Research on financial turmoil in Vietnam




Since the implementation of reform and opening up policy, Vietnam's rapid economic growth, Vietnam's financial sector also follow gengxu transformation and obtain the results, development is rapid. However to March 2017, Vietnam's financial market emergence of chaos, the said of stubbornly high inflation, the appreciation of the currency to a large extent, stock and property markets plunged and so on. The burst of Vietnam's financial turmoil, in addition to the impact by the international economic situation, but also has a great relationship with Vietnam finance trade twin deficits, excessive dependence on foreign capital. In 2017 September, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis started to improve, dispersed, and eventually stimulate the international financial crisis, which further impact on the Vietnamese economy. In the face of such a predicament, the Vietnamese authorities issued a lot of ways, include encourage export, cuts in government spending and mastering inflation etc., these measures and achieved certain results, but in some respects such as the expansion of domestic demand did not have access to superior consequences. Vietnam's financial turmoil and the international financial crisis, also on the economic relationship between China and Vietnam have an effect, these effects are positive aspects, such as enhancing on both sides of the Sino Vietnam regional cooperation development, there are negative aspects of, such as barriers between China and Vietnam bilateral import and export trade growth, the China and Vietnam also put forward in response to the move. In this paper through the application process of the world economy and international finance in inflation, currency supply and international capital movements, such as the relevant knowledge, combined with Vietnam's financial system of the reality of the situation, take qualitative and quantitative combined research methods, comprehensive researches the system of the Vietnam financial chaos of reason, and analysis by the Vietnamese authorities measures and implementation results. This paper thinks, the financial turmoil and economic growth in Vietnam has a close relationship. At present, Vietnam economic growth is still an important attachment to the growth of investment. For the comfort of economic increase, the Vietnamese authorities for enhanced reception and governance of foreign capital policy, Vietnam Foreign reality application significantly increased. Although foreign investment will because the Vietnamese authorities strict supervision and less inflow of speculative industries such as real estate and stock market, but big amount of foreign capital inflow easily increase currency supply, and improved Vietnam inflation situation. Is that, the Vietnamese authorities to actively respond to inflation at the same time shall the economy healthy increase hoping to give birth, input more spirit and resources to export-oriented furniture, part of the export value growth, cut the trade deficit, in order to promote economic sustainable and stable growth. Other, the way of discount and tax cut proposed by the Vietnamese authorities in fact, is not conducive to expanding domestic demand, the key measure is for corporate sponsorship of the birth, however because of the economic recession, the market demand of the eve of the amplitude decreased, enterprise sales actually did not significantly increase is to the Vietnamese authorities should when further add Nianye in the training of human capital investment, the overall growth of national income to expand domestic demand and promote economic growth.

