
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南经济动荡略论Analysis of Vietnam's economic turmoil




Along with economic globalization and financial integration measures tend to accelerate nations because of the industrial structure, economic base and social institutional differences, marketization level also exist is a big difference, face the risk also differ in thousands of ways, is to, no matter is thriving country still growing China is facing unprecedented challenges. In the past nearly 10 years, Vietnam's economic completed the unprecedented rapid increase, invented the astonishing speed in Vietnam, called outside Asia new tiger and Vista is one of the five countries. From the beginning of the first half of 2017, Vietnam has emerged severe deflation, the stock market and housing prices large fluctuations and other issues, and thus stimulate the Vietnam Economic turmoil. Vietnam economic turmoil from inside and outside the Ministry of in-depth reason, in response to the unrest, the Vietnamese authorities in the implementation of the aspects of micro policy also is worth using for reference the experience and need to learn from the experience, the borders between China and Vietnam, with China similar to the socialist system, and the transformation of the south open reduction amount of learning experiences in China; on the other hand, under the big background of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. Similarly, Chinese existing inflationary pressures, the impact of speculative capital, the stock market, housing large amplitude shake, overheating investment, economic structure need optimization and belongings transformation and achievement. This paper using a variety of analytical methods, such as micro analysis, micro analysis, comparative analysis and other. In the course of the study, the author sufficient United Vietnam economic growth state, objectively analysis of the Vietnam economic turmoil, groping microeconomic policies of scientific decision and implementation, the Vietnam economic turmoil will not evolution for the region after the conclusion of the financial crisis, and to our country economy can bring the positive and negative effects of the analysis. Initially, through comparing difference analysis, discusses the Vietnam economic turmoil on China inspired role and significance, and puts forward the indecent point such as walking inherently increase way, cautious open the capital account, establish international investment cost monitoring system, strengthen macroscopical policy etc. the joint venture to reconcile, and put forward policy suggestions for China's macroeconomic regulation and control, in order to avoid the emergence of a similar crisis, adhere to the citizens of sound and fast economic growth.


内容提要   4-7   绪论   7-8   一、越南经济社会状况概述   8-10       (一) 越南经济革新开放进程   8       (二) 越南经济革新开放取得的成就   8-10   二、越南经济动荡的表现   10-14       (一) 物价急速上涨、货币贬值加快、通货膨胀严重   10       (二) 汇率持续走低、波动急剧   10-11       (三) 股市暴跌、楼市价格波动剧烈   11-12       (四) 部分银行经营出现较严重困难   12       (五)经济增长明显放缓   12       (六) 贸易逆差持续扩大   12-14   三、越南经济动荡成因   14-21       (一) 内在原因略论   14-19       (二) 外部原因略论   19-21   四、越南政府应对经济动荡采取的方法及评价   21-25       (一) 越南政府应对经济动荡采取的政策方法   21-22       (二)越南政府应对经济动荡的政策效果及方法评价   22-25   五、越南经济动荡的发展趋势及对中国的作用   25-30       (一) 与1997 年东南亚金融危机对比略论   25-26       (二) 越南经济动荡下一步走势预测   26-27       (三) 越南经济动荡对中国的作用   27-30   六、越南经济动荡对我国的启示及政策建议   30-36       (一) 建立完善、高效的金融防范体系   30       (二) 加快产业转型和经济结构调整,保持经济又好又快增长   30-31       (三) 审慎开放资本项目,把握人民币升值节奏   31-33       (四) 增强宏观政策之间的协调性、时效性和灵活性   33-34       (五) 保持合理的外汇储备,增强国际交流与合作   34-36   结论   36-37   注释   37-39   参考文献   39-40   后记   40-41   中文摘要   41-44   Abstract   44-47  
