
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南竞技武术散打发展近况的探讨A study on the development of Competitive Wushu in Vietnam




Because many affected by years of fighting, Vietnam's economic, cultural, transportation and other aspects are behind the times in the world advanced countries, sports is not exceptional also. Since the 1988 attack in Vietnam, Vietnam will quickly grow up. 1990 Vietnam first joined the Beijing Asian Games boxing team. The 1993 World Championship Boxing Champion, Vietnamese man sabreplay, from then on Vietnamese martial achievement continuously progress. 2001 spray nasal port in the world martial arts tournament, 60 kg grade Vietnamese players overcome member of China champion, at the same time, the group ranked the second followed by the front of China. Join the fourteenth Asian Games finals troops from Vietnam, martial arts team accounted for 9 of the total number of. 2%, accounting for 11% of the total medals, visible, martial art in the main position of Vietnam sport. Especially in the 6th World Boxing Championship, the north national boxing team won nine World Championships, which is a unique work in Vietnam in the history of sports and other activities of the project in the dust. It has made a major contribution to the development of competitive sports in Vietnam. Also, martial arts are integrated into the Vietnamese folk society, love by people, the more fierce, Pingding boxing, Xishan more Wu, and southern Chinese martial art of Nanquan, Wing Chun, southern clubs such as in Vietnamese folk widespread, Vietnam, has a long tradition of martial arts. In 2017, the Eighth World Wushu Championships opening ceremony, as host Vietnam offered in elderly individuals practicing Taijiquan training and youth at work play have gained many foreign martial arts experts spoke highly of. So both the competitive sports still folk mass sports, fighting in Vietnam occupied pivotal position, there are important research significance. According to Vietnamese athletics have been listed in the martial arts degree from the International Wushu competition after Chinese results, ranked second. Also, as one of the martial arts project, Vietnam Sanda also have its glorious growth process. But Vietnam growth lag, the growth of competitive sports in Vietnam is still in the initial stage, fundamentally has not beginning to each project to stop the actual degree of research, the art of literature materials rarely, the Sanda of literature material and even less hardly belongs to the blank. This study in Vietnam Athletics Wushu Sanshou as the research object, trying to from Vietnam Sanda activities member, the coaches, the judge, the talented person net job. Vhao. Net creating mechanism, governance systems in terms of hands-on, analysis of Vietnam Athletics Wushu Sanshou development status and growth characteristics, summing up experience of predecessors, compliance of Wushu Sanshou growth of ordinary discipline to continuous growth of practical and scientific progress, actual, proposed construction countermeasures, for the further growth of Vietnam Athletics Wushu Sanshou event offers certain theoretical and empirical according to. The management know Vietnam Athletics Wushu Sanda activity growth state and discipline, and further progress in Vietnam athletics martial art scattered level. Also from find promote Sanda attack growth of discipline and the impact of factors, to Vietnam in other sports project development provides a new train of thought, to Vietnam growth of sports has a very good reference and guidance role.

