
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南学生汉语课堂口语习得情况考察略论An investigation and analysis of the oral English acquisition of Vietnamese Students




In this paper, using the literature analysis, questionnaire survey, attributed to rectify and analysis of the research methods of Vietnam's Chinese classroom vernacular acquisition case research, reference of Vietnam, China pure research coherent results and discussion basically to Vietnam, present Chinese teaching room vernacular acquisition of countermeasures and suggestions. The Chinese oral English class in the classroom teaching of positioning start, according to their classroom theory experience, analysis in hue the Mandarin in University by questionnaire survey, more deeply understand Mr. Vietnam in learning Chinese vernacular in the process often encounter the vernacular acquisition errors, then stop the analysis and there is a reasonable way to correct the, also reminded the Vietnamese students studying Chinese vernacular of the routine method. The author examines the Chinese University's hue vernacular Chinese classroom learning conditions. In this paper, on the analysis of the hue of the Mandarin University Chinese classroom vernacular teaching present situation and characteristics of, stop summary and evaluation, and puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   1 引言   7-10       1.1 选题目的和意义   7       1.2 文献综述   7-9       1.3 理论指导和探讨措施   9-10   2 越南汉语课堂口语教学近况   10-17       2.1 越南汉语课堂的口语教学近况   10-12       2.2 越南汉语课堂的口语教学   12-17   3 汉语课堂的口语教学活动   17-22       3.1 扮演角色   17-19       3.2 模拟活动   19-20       3.3 小组讨论   20       3.4 问卷调查   20-22   4 越南学生汉语课堂的口语习得考察略论   22-36       4.1 调查问卷的统计略论   22-26       4.2 越南学生口语习得偏误略论与纠正   26-35       4.3 本章小结   35-36   5 越南学生汉语课堂的口语习得对策与建议   36-44       5.1 汉语课堂的口语习得对策   36-39       5.2 汉语课堂的口语习得建议   39-44   结语   44-45   参考文献   45-48   附录 汉语口语学习基本状况调查问卷   48-52   后记   52  
