
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南古典诗歌传统形成--莫前诗歌探讨The formation of the traditional Chinese Classical Poetry -- A Study on the poetry of the former




Since the Qin Dynasty the same Chinese, to obtain independent before, Vietnam has always been a department of China, deeply influenced by Chinese culture. In the 939 years since independence to modern times, Vietnamese feudal government actively introduce Chinese receiving civilization results, this era has always been to China vernacular as their official language. After nine hundred years of independence in Vietnam, establish the system simulation China political system and etiquette system, also set up mainly by Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism two compatible understanding shape. Under this background, Vietnamese classical literature to China literature and intimate exchange, not only in the situation, also after the content and aesthetic interest as the study object and the creation of the. So all kinds of style of Chinese literature such as prose, prose, songs of the south, ancient poetry, poems, stories, legends, words, Zhanghui novels such as can found in the treasure house of Vietnamese literature. The Chinese, Vietnamese poetry in Chinese classical poetry and the relationship is Chinese traditional closest literary varieties. Vietnam has achieved its independence in the period of Wu Dingli. Because of the temporary split with the tradition of Chinese civilization, and the long-term battle formation of society is not stable, the rulers have no leisure to take into account the civilization construction, so the Vietnam era civilization faces relatively poor, kept up the data display, meantime poetry is still in the embryonic, as long as a large number of prophecy poems and a song suspect Li Huan to spread the word. After the Lichao while the country enjoyed a long period of time, but because the ruler advocates Buddhism, simulation of the civil service system in China has not set up, class of Confucian scholars have not formed, so the creation of Chinese poetry did not grow, extant works are associated with Buddhism or sorcery, many in fact is the interpretation of the church hymns. But in Li Renzong, beginning to pay attention to introduce Chinese culture results, influence of Vietnam's Chinese literature must, when it comes to court poetry movement. Although there is no dissemination of works up, but Li Zhaozhong later explained, the ruler has been to political civilization and the China rail system. Chen Zhaohe Hu Dynasty, the introduction of Chinese civilization has gradually obvious trend. Although in the society Buddhism, there are still a strong strength and access to the royal family and the right to cover, but in the political field Buddhism, already cannot interfere regime motion. At the same time, the Chen Dynasty imperial civil service examination started establishing the rail system, and poetry is the main content in the imperial examination. Confucian class composition and literature scholar was reuse, the number of writers of this era than in previous years night on the eve of the growth, the number of entries also than before double fruitful. In this era, Chinese poetry in Vietnam faces has no real difference with Chinese, showing intense literati characteristics. The Li Dynasty, the emergence of marking system of Imperial officer Wen eventually established in vietnam. The emergence of the Chen Dynasty Buddhism activities later acquired significant consequences, the Buddhist position has comparable non confucianism. Under such cultural background, the creation of Chinese poems in Vietnam reached the age of Zhuang Sheng, number not only writers and works across the previous each generation and in Le Thanh Tong, but emerged Sao altar Ershibasu movement. Le Thanh Tong poetry theory represent two aspects of the creation of Chinese poems in Vietnam, namely pure artistic purport of the poetic seeking and protected as feudal regime of the understanding of the shape of the object. Vietnam Mo poetics before actual also expressed to undertake Chinese traditional poetics and compromise the characteristics: "poems expressing wills" compendium of poetry. It is compatible with the idea of "poetry teaching" and expresses the aspirations of the "soul" of. And in the poem with and the premise of creative and so on, expressed "Xing indecent, group of hatred", acquired talent and acquired without neglecting the study of the characteristics of. Analysis of the above annotations, poetry is the introduction of Vietnamese feudal government under the background of Chinese civilization, in terms of the literati of Vietnam is a kind of foreign language writing. Results, the formation of such a state is that Vietnam's Chinese poetry occurrence and propagation of wood are geographical and political irrigation push Qin political category of desertification road meet friends. Vietnam desert Prince value case bearing the grand desert garden Fu hang, therefore not wish lookin pics as, formed the Vietnam in the creation of orange set with small, very popular. On the other hand, chasing stems outside through the cave as also by Yan Shao Yin indigenous culture of deepest soil, is fundamentally Yu treatment accompany Qin the title of the external lip activity, and shows a spent Yin Title Qin original ground force. With ship is characterized in that the situation on the postscript heavy according to the last ship metrical Jue, Dong Qu pics of little; female ran a writer has Su lattice self Jue seeking, but Vietnam desert grand history of industry does not constitute a Jian Yin of, no differences sunflower Title Main strong Jane's conflict push frequently Jazz song Deng exhibition. However in the garden of classical jazz song moved with to Jun, the emblem of the retention and fan community has rich phase of a board of meaning, such as since Vietnam grand desert is transplanted in nursery of the political civilization of cliff, the ground whether its efficacy in Vietnam some differences between the public opinion in the garden? In classical jazz song images in the nursery in Vietnam in the desert, how? In this paper, some problems of closures made Jane, Xi of sweet heart.

