
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

南和古巴执政党建设比较Comparison of the construction of the ruling party in Vietnam and Cuba




Along with the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist camp from 15 countries into 5 country and socialist activities fall into the climax, reflection of Su Dong revulsion, construction achievements of the ruling party is lead to one of the reasons to produce the upheaval, the research also appears abnormal urgent and need, Vietnam and Cuba is two existing socialist countries, of their ruling party construction research, beneficial to adequate summary of Su Dong revulsion reason, learn from the experience, summarize experience between the two countries in the ruling party builds, that our party's construction offers more of their own. The first part of this article first introduces the Marx, Engels and Lenin on ruling party construction related to elaborate. It contains a ruling party to foster the definition, that includes four sectors in the ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction and rail construction of, then in accordance with the classification method of Marx, Engels and Lenin on the ruling party to foster the indecent point discussed, initially discusses the ruling party construction of several important socialist country formed different effect. The second important sector is from the thought construction of the angle of Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction to carry on the comparison. In this paper, the ruling party's thought construction refinement into the Marxism localization and keep the lead of the Communist Party, to keep to the socialist and has been unswerving modified plain is closer to the student three aspects, from the three aspects of Pro ideological construction in Vietnam and Cuba will cease to be divided on and then add separation compared to, draw the similarities and difference. The third sector is from the organization to foster Pro Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction to carry on the comparison, and organizational support points for plain near the main centralism construction and party dry army team builds two departments, from the two aspects of Pro Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction to carry on the elaboration, however after separate compare, draw the similarities and differences. The fourth part is from the style construction pro Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction, compared the style construction to keep the public road, close party masses relationship and profound launched anti decay task two departments, from the two aspects of Pro Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction separation is given in this paper, and then compare, draws the conclusion. Then it describes the Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction inspiration to China and separation from the thought construction, organization construction and style construction three aspects of pro China from Vietnam and Cuba's ruling party construction can reference and created the victory experience summed up comprehensive description and interpretation.

