
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

阶段越南留学生汉字书写略论Analysis of Chinese characters written by Vietnamese students in various stages




Learning Chinese has four aspects of listening speaking reading and writing. The Vietnamese students studying in Chinese study often emerge errors especially Chinese characters writing, is to learn Chinese characters become Vietnam learn Chinese a Mr. difficult, and this difficulty will let Mr. abandoned study. In this paper, and the accumulation of a Vietnamese students often emerge in writing errors. Because Vietnam and Europe and the United States, Japan, Korea, leaving Mr. in the Kanji writing errors are very different, so I from the perspective of personality and characteristics of the Vietnam left Mr. careful analysis, through the process of query classification visit at each stage (elementary, intermediate, advanced) the South leaving Mr. rare error types, find the cause, originally proposed for Vietnamese students studying some methods for processing and the necessity of the proposed sponsorship Mr. beat writing errors of teaching strategies.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   第一章:引论   7-10       1.1 前言   7-8           1.1.1 课题来源和探讨意义   7           1.1.2 相关的探讨   7-8       1.2 探讨的内容和措施   8-10   第二章:探讨范围、对象与探讨的理论依据   10-11       2.1 探讨范围、对象   10       2.2 探讨的理论依据   10-11   第三章:各级阶段越南留学生的汉字书写偏误略论   11-23       3.1 中越两种文字比较   11-14           3.1.1 汉字的特点   11-12           3.1.2 越南字的特点   12-13           3.1.3 中越文字比较   13-14       3.2 偏误略论   14-19           3.2.1 错字(A)   14-17           3.2.2 别字(记为B)   17-19       3.3 各阶段越南留学生汉字书写偏误对比略论   19-23           3.3.1 从调查问卷针对越南留学生学习汉字过程中有关,收到学生认为自己对汉字的知识,结果以下   19-20           3.3.2 从本人实际收集结果如下   20-22           3.3.3 越南留学生对汉字书写偏误认定和实际上比较   22-23   第四章:针对各阶段越南留学生的汉字书写偏误略论和教学对策   23-32       4.1 各阶段越南留学生的汉字书写偏误原因和各级比较   23-28           4.1.1 笔形和笔画组合错误原因和各级对比   23-25           4.1.2 笔画增减或部件增减   25-26           4.1.3 结构错误和字形相近错误   26-27           4.1.4 字音相同和字音相近的偏误   27-28       4.2 针对越南留学生书写偏误的教学对策   28-32           4.2.1 初级   28-29           4.2.2 中级   29-30           4.2.3 高级   30-32   第五章:结语   32-33   参考文献   33-34   越南留学生学习汉字调查   34-40   致谢   40  
