
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南引进FDI对经济发展作用探讨Study on the effect of FDI on economic development in Vietnam




2017 years since joining the WTO, Vietnam to on the eve of the force attracting FDI as one of the main purpose of Vietnam's reform and opening up, its in Vietnam's direct investment (FDI) also follow gengxu growth. In this paper, the FDI's interest in the process of economic growth in Vietnam, in international economics, foreign investment and economic growth and modern international finance and the relevant practical, through a combination of qualitative analysis, analysis of the growth of Vietnam's economic growth in Vietnam, the impact of the growth of the economy of Vietnam, FDI to promote the growth of Vietnam's economy has played a major role. Vietnam economic structure adjust one department origin from promoting FDI focus on the economic zone, driven by even around birth operation method all the country's economic growth, and foreign equipment, skills, management experience comfort of enterprise production operation method to modern change, a capital, disc capital, local capital optimization application, to improve the economic competitiveness. Not only that, FDI also enhance business, tourism growth in Vietnam, so that Vietnam's economy and global standards. In addition, this paper through the research discovery, the essence of FDI is various multinational companies in the space dispersion and transfer, FDI choice best geographical location of the target is to obtain the maximum profit and the best position is followed by internal ceaselessly change ceaselessly shift in space, the process of the enterprise has the main influence on economic growth of local. To Vietnam to introduce more foreign to economic growth, in addition to the ceaseless progress of domestic enterprises technique innovation ability and enhance the infrastructure construction in the outside, is also redoubling its concern to the geographical position and the introduction of foreign policy, these two factors will have a direct impact on the FDI location variables.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5   第一章 绪论   8-11       1.1 本文探讨背景及意义   8-9       1.2 国内外对越南FDI探讨近况   9-10       1.3 探讨措施   10       1.4 探讨内容   10       1.5 文章创新   10-11   第二章 FDI理论概述与经济增长理论略论   11-19       2.1 FDI的概念与分类   11-12           2.1.1 FDI的概念   11           2.1.2 FDI的分类   11-12       2.2 FDI的相关理论   12-13           2.2.1 投资与贸易替代论   12           2.2.2 比较优势理论   12           2.2.3 国际生产折衷理论   12-13           2.2.4 雁行模式理论   13           2.2.5 产品周期理论   13       2.3 经济增长理论略论   13-15           2.3.1 新古典增长理论   13-14           2.3.2 内生增长理论   14-15       2.4 FDI与经济增长的关系   15-19           2.4.1 FDI与新古典增长理论   16-17           2.4.2 FDI与内生增长理论   17-19   第三章 越南引进FDI的发展状况略论   19-28       3.1 越南引进FDI的比较优势   19       3.2 越南引进FDI的发展阶段   19-23           3.2.1 大力引进外资(1988年至1990年)   20           3.2.2 外资迅速增长(1991年至1996年)   20-21           3.2.3 外资衰退(1997年至1999年)   21           3.2.4 外资回升(2000年至2003年)   21-23       3.3 越南FDI引进近况   23-24       3.4 越南引进FDI的特点   24-26           3.4.1 越南FDI投资资金流量变动比较大   24           3.4.2 越南利用外资的来源   24-25           3.4.3 外资在越南的地区和产业投向   25-26           3.4.4 越南利用外资的方式   26       3.5 越南引进FDI的发展展望   26-28   第四章 越南引进FDI对经济发展效应略论   28-46       4.1 越南吸引FDI对经济发展的正面效应略论   28-42           4.1.1 资本效应   28-30           4.1.2 技术效应   30-32           4.1.3 产业结构调整效应   32-34           4.1.4 贸易效应   34-37           4.1.5 就业效应   37-39           4.1.6 税收效应   39-41           4.1.7 对国内经济的拉动效应   41-42       4.2 越南引进FDI存在问题与负面效应略论   42-46           4.2.1 越南引进FDI存在问题略论   42-44           4.2.2 负面效应略论   44-46   第五章 越南引进FDI政策建议   46-49       5.1 坚持积极的引进外商直接投资政策,扩大引进规模   46       5.2 侧重产业结构调整,打造健康产业链   46-47       5.3 引导FDI在越南各地区均衡发展   47       5.4 完善投资环境、提高竞争优势   47-49   结论   49-50   参考文献   50-53   致谢   53  
