
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国华文教育发展历程略论一以泰国春府大众学校为例The development course and analysis of Chinese language education in Thailand: a case study of the public school in the spring of Thailand




Thai national friendship has a long history, the economic civilization contact and exchange are increasingly close and frequent. Take a walk in the streets of Thailand, from time to time you can see the marks of Chinese elements. Thailand people also often talk about the civilization of Thailand half from India, half from china. The influence of Chinese speaking civilization on the side of Thailand. Now, Thailand has become one of the most active countries in the world. The author used as Chinese do the 11th batch went to one of the Thai volunteers, in Chonburi province, Thailand big public school happen in the Chinese teaching task for up to ten months, personally feel infection to Thailand Chinese teaching growth process of hard work and now vibrant. The spring house big public school happen important object, combined all of Thailand Chinese teaching history and discussion of Thailand Chinese teaching growth process. The full text is divided into five departments: the first Department of Thailand introduced an important motivation of Chinese teaching in the growth of identity and writing of this thesis; the relevant research results of second important departments introduce later; third sector is divided into two departments, introduced the latest situation of separation of the Thailand authorities Chinese education policy changes and influence at present, Thailand and Chinese teaching; fourth departments in the public school spring house for the middle school, introduced the separation range of growth, school cooperation with the Chinese side and the growth of the school to join or organization Chinese movement of growth; the fifth part analyzes the present public school Chinese teaching important weakness there are teachers, teaching conditions, teaching materials and other aspects of the performance. Growth in short, the shelter in the true and original data, to discuss the Thai and Chinese teaching and analyzes the existing state of the lack of desire to Chinese teaching career development offers some sponsorship.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-8   一、引言   8-9   二、相关文献综述   9-10       (一) 有关“泰国政府的华文教育政策”的相关探讨   9       (二) 有关“泰国华文教育近况”的相关探讨   9-10   三、泰国华文教育发展   10-14       (一) 泰国政府对华文教育政策的变迁   10-12           1、善待华人,顺其自然   10           2、强行同化,时紧时松   10-11           3、全面扼制,彻底禁绝   11-12           4、逐步开放,大力支持   12       (二) 泰国华文教育的近况   12-14   四、以春府大众学校为代表的华文教育的发展历程   14-22       (一) 学校规模的发展   14-15       (二) 与中方合作关系的发展及略论   15-16           1、活动方面   15-16           2、师资方面   16       (三) 汉语活动的发展及意义   16-20           1、抄书比赛   17           2、泰国东部地区中文歌曲比赛   17           3、讲华语和朗诵诗歌比赛   17           4、泰国中华会馆泰华青少年华语演讲比赛   17-18           5、唱歌比赛   18           6、学生著作展示   18           7、泰国教育部民教委汉语桥世界中学生中文比赛   18           8、中英文化营   18-19           9、毛笔书法比赛   19           10、东方大学汉语专业学生汉语体验活动   19           11、泰国东部华文民校联谊会华文学术比赛   19           12、中华文化展示会   19-20           13、中文兴趣班   20       (四) 泰国华人华侨对华文教育事业的促进影响   20-22   五、华文教育在发展过程中所面临的问题   22-25       (一) 师资问题   22-23           1、本土教师老龄化严重,后继乏人   22           2、中国教师流动性较大,不通泰语   22-23           3、方言的使用范围较广,干扰教学   23       (二) 教学条件问题   23-24           1、建筑面积不足,空间狭小   23           2、教室缺乏制冷设备   23           3、缺乏多媒体教学工具   23-24       (三) 教材问题   24-25           1、全书没有任何泰语注释   24           2、除生词外,没有标注拼音   24           3、题材偏难   24-25   六、结语   25-26   注释   26-27   参考文献   27-28   致谢   28-29  
