
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国大学汉语口语课堂互动活动探讨一以泰国艺术大学为例A study on the interactive activities of Chinese oral English class in the University of Thailand, Thailand, University of the Arts as an example




The role of interaction in the teaching display second speak very important. Through survey, the author invented, currently in Thailand, of the University of spoken Chinese teaching interactive sports big consequence the Brotherhood to, teachers lack of applicable "more than training" principle, interactive sports a single method, Mr. intervention lacks, Mr. reluctant rate is low. In general, Thailand spoken Chinese classroom teaching interactive movement had consequences. The reason is not the lack of classroom interaction one-sided, but teachers and students of the body allocation and the role of the results. This paper will discuss the influence of the identity of the classroom interactive sports and output analysis of formation reason of poor Thai university spoken interaction movement. Not Yacha classroom interaction is after Chinese as a foreign language teaching and research a can not be ignored the subject, for the further development of Chinese teaching in Thailand also has very important significance. Based on the guidance of interactive teaching practice. In Chinese spoken language class as the research object, on the eve of the Thai Art Science College of liberal arts four grade professional Chinese and non Chinese professional spoken Chinese classroom teacher-student interaction situation stopped the query visit and observation, with emphasis on the examination of the status of the Thai Chinese spoken language class interactive teaching form and the existence of detailed results. The Thailand vernacular movement to stop interactive classification, and each kind of Sports Interactive joint research, further discuss what to promote action on interactive sports Mr., has the adverse effect which should prevent the application of interactive movement. Also the author through classroom observations, the detailed records of classroom interaction in detail, take interviews and questionnaire method deeply understand and Mr. ideas and opinions, the teacher in the interactive sports influence on Mr. stop the profound query visit and discussion, and on this basis analysis and reflection, trying to depict after Thailand University Chinese vernacular classroom teaching interaction picture. Initially, the author for Thailand vernacular Chinese teacher in teaching the lack of reference views and the vernacular Chinese teaching in Thailand proposed some teaching suggestions, to lay the foundation for the further perfect of Thailand vernacular teaching interaction movement. The research on Interactive Teaching in Thailand is only preliminary study and test, as a part of the localization of research, the innovation there are inevitably lack. Desire can play a valuable role, stimulate scholars concern on vernacular Chinese teaching in Thailand to discuss more support of academic results.

