
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

滇人移居泰国缅甸原因及其经济活动Reasons and economic activities of the Thailand, Burma, Yunnan




In this paper, it is important to explain the reason and the economic movement of the people of Thailand, Burma and other countries in the northwest of China in nineteenth Century. Yunnan and Burma and other countries in the mountains and rivers of the mountains and rivers, and the history of these countries are relatively long and close contacts. 19 in the middle of the Yunnan people moved to Burma and other countries in the northwest of the number of people is not many. It is important for business needs, the Department of Yunnan people in Burma and other countries in the North West of the country to put up a fake. Since the early nineteenth Century, because the international situation has produced great changes, Yunnan people moved to Burma, Thailand, in addition to economic reasons (it is important business), there are political reasons and other reasons. Settled in Thailand, Burma and other Southeast Asian country of Yunnan people engaged in commercial sports, especially to vendors. Vendors need to exercise the Thailand native to Burma, but its influence is not big. Full-text the four departments: first part, briefly describes the until the mid-19th century Yunnan people moved to Burma, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries history briefly. The second sector, it is important to explain the origin of the nineteenth Century in Burma, Thailand Province, the reason. Contains internal cause and external cause, external cause which is east colonial near seize to Myanmar and Thailand by the colonial violated nearly, need large amounts of cheap labor force, Burma, Thailand and other countries the authorities also does not exclude the Chinese, internal or China further on the semi colonial and semi feudal society, is the state of the economy of Asia, class conflict, ethnic conflict acuteness of. The third sector, it is important to explain the economic movement of Yunnan people in Thailand and Myanmar. Yunnan people in Southeast Asia in the trade movement, especially acted as trade the peddlers, Southeast Asia's Yunnan important movement in northern Thailand and Burma's most northern plain near family live far away behind the area. The fourth sector, expounds the living in Thailand, Burma, Yunnan people in the local economic growth in the position and role of. That residing in Thailand, Burma, Yunnan economic movement to enhance the contact between the two countries around, especially behind the mountain around and is booming regional economic contact. At the same time, in the country residing in foreign trade has played a positive role.


内容提要   2-4   前言   4-7   论文内容   7-46       一、 滇人移居泰缅诸国的历史概况   7-11       二、 19世纪中后期滇人移居泰、缅的原因   11-28           (一) 西方殖民统治的加深及其对廉价劳动力的需求   11-14           (二) 中国清政府的腐败和人民生活的贫困化   14-19           (三) 云南阶级矛盾的尖锐化   19-23           (四) 东南亚各地方政府对华侨华人的政策和态度   23-28       三、 滇人在泰缅两国的经济活动   28-37           (一) 居住在泰国的云南籍华人的经济活动   29-33           (二) 居住在缅甸的云南籍华人的经济活动   33-37       四、 滇人在泰国、缅甸两国经济发展中的地位和影响   37-46           (一) 促进了侨居国各地之间的经济联系   37-38           (二) 在侨居国对外贸易中起了积极影响   38-46  
