
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国北部高校中文专业写作课程设置探讨A study on the writing curriculum of Chinese Majors in Universities in northern Thailand




Along with China's reform and opening up the cause of growing and China's comprehensive national strength ceaselessly, in recent years, the climax during the Thailand summoned the Chinese language training. Many Chinese learners of Thailand in the vernacular expression ability and oral expression ability, often there is a big difference. In view of this result, we present the Thailand North University Chinese language major writing curriculum to stop the inquiry to discuss. Through the process of inquiry to analyze the invention, at present, the curriculum of Thailand writing course, there are some exact results. First of all, the current Thailand Nianye sector universities designated materials, arbitrarily strong. Another Chinese textbook localization level department the application of the low content of stale rigid. Secondly, the existence of Thai University Chinese professional Chinese writing course most of the eve of the achievement of class domination, in addition to the class domination lack, teaching content and class is not marriage, faculty is difficult to complete the task. From the point of view of the consequences of teaching, the writing class is to make the students' writing ability progress, and obtain the recognition of mr.. What we should think about is how to make the teaching content of the teaching content of the writing course has a practical effect on the future growth of mr..


摘要   2-3   ABSTRACT   3   目录   4-6   第一章 引言   6-13       第一节 选题缘起   6-8           一、泰国高校中文专业写作课程设置近况   6-7           二、写作技能是语言技能中的难点   7           三、写作教学的重要性   7-8               (一) 写作可以促进其他语言技能的发展   8               (二) 满足较高层次汉语交流的需求   8       第二节 理论阐释   8-9           一、SCL教学模式   8-9           二、后现代主义课程观   9       第三节 探讨综述   9-10       第四节 探讨措施与目标   10-13           一、调查问卷   10-11           二、访谈   11           三、统计措施   11-13               (一) 李克特量表的定义   12               (二) 李克特量表的评级标准   12-13   第二章 泰国北部地区高校中文专业写作课程设置近况   13-17       第一节 培养目标   13-15       第二节 课程结构与课程内容   15       第三节 教材使用情况   15-16       第四节 课时分配情况   16       第五节 本章小结   16-17   第三章 泰国大学生写作课程存在的问题   17-29       第一节 调查内容与略论措施   17-20       第二节 对教材的反馈   20-22       第三节 对课时的反馈   22       第四节 对教学效果的反馈   22-24       第五节 略论   24-28           一、学生对写作教材的反馈略论   24-25           二、对课时的反馈略论   25-26           三、对教学效果的反馈略论   26-28       第六节 本章小结   28-29   第四章 结论   29-31   参考文献   31-33   附录1   33-35   附录2   35-38   致谢   38  
