
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

基础泰国中学生一周语课教学设计一零基础学习者完全目的教学尝试Try a basis of instructional design the first week of Chinese course learning of middle school students in Thailand to complete the zero based Language Teaching




In recent years, and actively promote the implementation of the internationalization of Chinese China every year, Hanban to send thousands of volunteers overseas Chinese teacher, Chinese teaching, publicity China civilization. Colleges and universities have also been at the undergraduate and graduate stage opened a Chinese and Chinese international education professional training, foreign language professionals, and vigorously explore overseas practice, let Mr. in school age will experience early inorganic foreign language teaching task. They face a very large part of the students are not the basic zero point of the Chinese students in the school, in the school, it is likely to have not been opened in the Chinese class, so there is no ready-made Chinese textbooks. These Chinese teachers in the international experience for a few months to a few years of training may be practice, but important stay in the actual learning and imitation of the teaching stage, and living in the country in the non - language situation, there is a big gap between the theory of teaching. How the foreign agile into the task role, face a face full of passion, perhaps, they will be how to face, and speak to Mr. Heng, cannot speak under exchange stop situation, how to stop the Chinese teaching? This paper is based on the actual situation of the pattern tower and Bruner's cognitive development. In the analysis of the basic of Mr., the combination of his teaching experience and the teaching design case of the situation, the desire to provide some reference for Chinese teachers. This design has three characteristics: 1, contact in the early Chinese learners on knowledge of Chinese picture 2, Professor target rearing 3 valued diplomatic consequences, let Mr. learned can be used.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   引言   6-10       0.1 选题来源   6-7       0.2 探讨近况   7-8       0.3 本文创新点   8-10   第一章 零基础泰国中学生一周汉语教学设计的依据   10-15       1.1 理论依据   10-11       1.2 关于学习者的略论   11-15   第二章 本教学设计的相关背景情况   15-19       2.1 相关教材略论   15-16       2.2 教学设计所遵守的准则   16-17       2.3 教学任务   17-18       2.4 课时安排   18-19   第三章 零基础泰国中学生第一周汉语课教学设计   19-29       3.1 一周教学的总体设计   19       3.2 第(一)课:你叫什么名字   19-22       3.3 第(二)课:这是什么   22-25       3.4 第(三)课:我喜欢大象   25-27       3.5 第(四)课:我的眼睛很大   27-29   第四章 结语   29-30   参考文献   30-33   后记   33-34  
