
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

“构式—语块”论在对外汉语“有”字句教学中的运用一以泰国民教委海洋之星学校Darasamutr School为例The application of "the structure of the form of the word" in the teaching of "Chinese language" in the foreign language: a case study of the School Darasamutr of the sea of the Thai National Education Commission




In teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the word "has" is a sentence pattern of early contact with the students, and is also a focus on teaching. But longitudinal indecent scholars research important concentrated in the "you" sentence ontology research, such as "you" sentence grammatical meaning and function, Chinese as a foreign language focuses on the "you" sentence error analysis, and the traditional method of teaching. As the recent contact with the construction - language block, the actual test on the test in the words of the professor of teaching on the practical application of this. This paper attempts to summarize the existing "" sentence research status of basically proposed a based on the "construction - chunks" actual "" words new teaching methods, design a simple easy to understand, abstract and lively, easy gentleman receives understand the new teaching design, and the "construction - chunks actually used in the" you "sentence in teaching methods, teaching according to and teaching pace has been studied. And the teaching method to stop the teaching experiments and query visit, finally obtains the conclusion, which is based on the "construction - chunks" actual "is" sentence teaching method is better than the traditional "SVO" teaching method is dominant. Based on the construction of the "language block", "there" is a teaching method with its simple steps, easy to understand method and abstract and lively situation, which shows its great advantage in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   1 引言   8-9       1.1 选题缘起及意义   8       1.2 探讨的内容与措施   8       1.3 语料来源   8-9   2 有字句探讨和构式语块理论   9-13       2.1 有字句本体探讨综述   9-11       2.2 对外汉语有字句教学探讨   11       2.3 构式语块理论探讨   11-12       2.4 构式语块理论运用于对外汉语教学   12-13   3 《体验汉语》有字句教学略论   13-16       3.1 《体验汉语》有字句教学安排   13       3.2 现行对外汉语有字句教学措施略论   13-16   4 构式语块理论与对外汉语有字句教学   16-33       4.1 将构式语块理论运用于对外汉语有字句教学的教学设计   16-28       4.2 构式语块理论下的有字句教学实验和问卷调查   28-33   5 构式语块教学法与传统教学法在有字句教学上的对比   33-36       5.1 教学理论依据   33-34       5.2 教学优势   34       5.3 教学效果   34-36   6 结语   36-37   致谢   37-38   参考文献   38-39  
