
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:正 目前,泰国海军史上第一艘航母“查里克·王朝”号正在进行海试。泰国成为继印度之后,第二个拥有航母的亚洲国家。海军兵力只有6.6万人,以往只装备护卫舰以下舰艇的一个小国海军,何以垂青起一向为大国海军方才问津的航母呢?尤其是在冷战结束、两极对抗消失,绝大多数国家都在裁减兵员和削减军费,世界总体形势趋缓的情

Abstract:At present, the history of the first Thailand Navy aircraft carrier "charyk - Dynasty" is tested. Thailand became the second Asian country to have an aircraft carrier after India. Naval forces only 6.6 million people, previously only equipment following ship ship a small naval escort, why favor is always naval power was interested in the aircraft carrier? Especially in the end of the cold war, disappearance of bipolar confrontation, the vast most countries are in troop reductions and cuts in military spending, world overall situation slowed down the feeling

引言:泰国海军的“查理克·王朝”号航空母舰鑫… 目前,泰国海军史上第一艘航母“查里克·王朝”号正在进行海试.泰国成为继印度之后,第二个拥有航母的亚洲国家. 海军兵力只有6.6万人,以往只装备护卫舰以下舰艇的一个小国海军,何以垂青起一向为大国海军方才问津的航母呢?尤其是在
