摘要:正 曼谷港东码头是集装箱专业码头,1981年吞吐24万换算箱,五年间增长近五倍。为了适应集装箱运输急剧增长的需要,泰国港务管理局决定三管齐下:扩充现有码头,规划远景需要,开辟应急新点。 Abstract:Is Bangkok port east pier is the container wharf. In 1981 240 thousand throughput conversion box, five years, an increase of nearly five times. In order to adapt to the needs of the rapid growth of container transport, port authority of Thailand decided three pronged approach: expansion of the existing terminal, need long-term planning, open the emergency of new point. 引言:曼谷港东码头是集装箱专业码头,1981年吞吐24万换算箱,五年间增长近五倍。为了适应集装箱运输急剧增长的需要,泰国港务管理局决定三管齐下:扩充现有码头,规划远景需要,开辟应急新点。 首先,对东码头投资2.86亿株,主要用于增添设备(两台轮胎式30吨级堆场龙门吊、各式叉车、拖 ,泰语专业论文,泰语毕业论文 |