资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23
摘要:正 紧追 P ZERO 的升级新选择如果您的年纪够长,应该会记得市场在10年前,泰语论文,一般市售车的原厂轮胎规格几乎都只有13英寸,以 HONDA CIVIC(本田思域)为例,基本升级规格是185/60/14,就目前的水准看来真的是小得可怜,但在当时已经是非常不得了。时至今日,195/50/15已经成为 CIVIC 的基本规格,泰语论文,205/45/16才算是升级规格,这个演进的事实证实了过去 INCH UP“/1”的升级观念已经进化到“/2”,而且已经不再局限在特定车款,举凡轿车、跑车、SUV,甚至是日系 K Car 的车主都大有人改。可是,升级轮毂不难,难的是如何挑

Abstract:Is the new choice of upgrading of hot pursuit P zero if your age long enough, should remember market 10 years ago, in general, the salesperson of the original tire specifications only 13 inch, the Honda Civic (Civic) as an example, the basic upgrade specifications is 185/60/14, is the current level seems to really is pitifully small, but at that time is incredible. Today, 195/50/15 has become the civic basic specifications, 205/45/16 is considered the specifications of the upgrade, this evolution in confirmed the last inch up "/ 1" upgrade concept has evolved to "/ 2", and is no longer limited to specific vehicles, such as cars, sports car, SUV, even Japanese K car owners have modified. However, upgrading the wheel is not difficult, the difficulty is how to pick

引言:紧追p zERO的升级新选择 如果您的年纪够长,应该会记得市场在,O年前一般市售车的原厂轮胎规格几乎都只有13英寸以HONDA CIVIC(本田思域)为例,基本升级规格是185/60114,就目前的水准看来真的是小得可怜.但在当时已经是非常不得了。时至今日195/50/15已经成为CIVIC的基本规格,20
