
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

Abstract:Bangkok is the science museum in the park, connected with the existing planetarium. Other buildings will be built around the building, forming a comprehensive science and technology and Exhibition center. The trees and pools on the base can be kept as much as possible, and unified in the park planning and design. This is a modern science museum. In accordance with the requirements of the function and the spatial arrangement to have greater flexibility, this is architects in the design always thinking of the problem, but also the key to this fascinating science museum where the entire building is like a transparent body, is an open, be recognized institutions, rather than a closed, do not come near the Research Institute. Even for internal use research, laboratory or office, also can quickly find and reach. The science museum is on the verge of the pool, pond with rest platform. The entrance is arranged in the southwest corner of the heavy rain under the canopy, it is very prominent. From the profile can be seen inside the "big awning", is an auditorium and two classrooms, they skillfully use

引言:设计5 ume:Jum‘ l 曼谷科学博物馆位于公园中,与现有的天文馆相接。周围将逐渐兴建其它建筑物,形成一个综合性的科技与展览中心。基地上的树木和水池都尽可能予以保留,统一在公园规划设计中。 这是一座现代化的科学馆。按照功能要求,空间安排上要有较大的灵活性一一一一这是
