广西沿海泰语专业学生语言能力培养模式探寻--以钦州学院运用泰国语专业为例 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:党雪妮[1] DANG Xue-ni(Foreign Languages College,Qinzhou University,Qinzhou 535000,China)


出  处:《钦州学院学报》2017年第4期 9-13,共5页Journal of Qinzhou University

基  金:钦州学院校级课题:“广西沿海小语种办学近况与发展方向的调查探讨--以泰语、越语专业为个案略论(”2017XJB12)

摘  要:广西沿海小语种专业师资力量薄弱,缺乏科学、系统的模式。钦州学院运用泰语专业经过四年的办学实践,通过"引导入门—明确因素—端正态度—锁定目标—拓展提高"五步走战略,鼓励学生沿用"通读教材—超越教材—融会贯通—实践升华"的模式来结合课堂教学和课外学习来发展个人专业语言能力。此培养模式关于广西沿海相关小语种专业的学生专业语言能力培养有一定的参考价值。Minority languages teaching in the Guangxi Coastal Area is facing shortage of abundant qualified teachers and sound and systematic teaching model.The Thai Language Program in the Qinzhou University adopts a five-step model after 4 years explored and encourage students to follow the instructions of "reading the text—surpass the text—soaked into the head—become your own" to promote students' language capability with the help of combining classroom teaching and extracurricular activities.The adopted 5-step model is "Leading in—clear factors—right attitude—locked on target—develop and improve".It helps cultivate high language capability.

关 键 词:广西沿海 泰语 
