汉、泰语中用于人的量词的差异 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:邱琼[1] QIU Qiong(International College of Honghe Univesity, Mengzi 661100,China)


出  处:《红河学院学报》2017年第3期 100-103,共4页Journal of Honghe University

摘  要:汉语和泰语中的量词都比较丰富,个体量词也较多,有的量词用法相同,有的量词用法不相同。如,人的量词的用法,汉语口语中和一般人的量词用"个",表示尊敬的人的量词用"位";而泰语中,一般人的量词用" ",表示受尊敬的人的量词和汉语中表示受尊敬的人量词的用法不相同,即数量上比汉语多,并且根据不同的社会地位、不同的行业来选择不同的量词。Chinese and Thai language are abundant in the quantifiers, especially in individual quantifiers. As for the usage of quantifiers, some are same, and some are different. Taking the usage of personal quantifiers for example, "个"is used as the general quantifier for person in Chinese spoken language, while "位"is used as a respectful form. In Thai language, "■" is used as the general quantifier for person, but there is more respectful form of personal quantifiers compared to Chinese, and they are chosen by the peoples' different social class and vocation.

关 键 词:人 量词 比较 
