作 者:耿江华[1] GENG Jiang-hua (Faculty of Southeast Asian Languages and Literature, Yunnan Nationalities Univ., Kunming, Yunnan 650031) 机构地区:[1]云南民族大学东南亚南亚语言文化学院,云南昆明650031 出 处:《西昌学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第2期 4-6,共3页Journal of Xichang College :Social Science Edition 摘 要:本文从第二语言习得的角度出发,应用语言接触理论和语音学的一般知识对泰语中英语音译借词送气辅音对译的措施进行了对比略论。试图揭示一种语言在吸收引进外来语词汇时,总会用自身的音位系统去匹配其所借语言的音位系统并加以修改,使之与自身的发音习惯保持一致。This paper, from the perspective of second language acquisition, carries the discussion by using the general knowledge of phonetic study in the theory of comparative analysis and language contact theory to analyze the phonetic matches to the aspirated consonants of the English loanwords in Thai Language, attempting to explain that when borrowing foreign words from the others, any language tends to transliterate them with its own phonetic system, which causes the loan words conforming to its own pronunciation custom. ,泰语论文题目,泰语论文网站 |