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潮汕方言和泰语的双向借词及其演变发展 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:林伦伦[1,2] Lin LunLun

机构地区:[1]广东技术师范学院院长办公室,广州510665 [2]华南师范师范大学岭南文化探讨中心,510631

出  处:《民族语文》2017年第2期 24-30,共7页Minority Languages of China

摘  要:数百年间汉语潮汕话与泰语有密切的接触关系。泰语借用了很多潮汕方言词,泰国的潮汕话也借用了不少泰语词。本文介绍两地(国)文化经济的交流背号,扼要介绍双方的词汇借用情况及借词的变化和流向潮州本地的现象。The Chaozhou Speech in Thailand has had a close contact with Tai language in hundreds years. Loanwords in the speech from Tai language and in the language from the speech are discussed in the paper separately, under the introduction of the cultural and economic interchanges of the peoples. Some Tai loanwords have diffused to the speech in China.

关 键 词:潮汕方言 演变发展 泰语 词汇借用 潮汕话 方言词 汉语 
