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汉语和泰语亲属词研讨 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:朱俊玄[1] ZHU Jun-xuan (School of Chinese Language and Cuhure, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China)


出  处:《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学与探讨版》2017年第6期 65-70,共6页Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language

摘  要:通过对汉语和泰语中的上一辈血亲亲属词的对比,发现汉语的亲属词系统重视“父系”和“男性”的特征,对“年长”这个特征的重视程度较弱;泰语的亲属词系统则更加重视“年长”这个特征,而稍轻性别异同。另外,泰语论文题目,泰语中有一些梵语和皇室的亲属称谓系统是汉语里没有的,泰语论文范文,这些独特成分都源于泰国特定的社会文化背景。In this article, kinship terms related to the older generation (consanguinity) in Chinese and Thai are contrasted. It is concluded that in the formation of Chinese kinship terms, the factors of "patriarchy " and "male" played a more important role than that of "seniority". However, the system of kinship terms in Thai stresses more on the features of "seniority" rather than "gender". In addition, some Sanskrit kinship terms and other kinship terms used among the royal family in Thailand have no equivalents in Chinese, which reveals the special soeio-cultural backgrounds of Thailand.

关 键 词:亲属词 父系 男性 梵语 皇室 
