作 者:郭莲[1] 机构地区:[1]云南警官学院,昆明650223 出 处:《红河学院学报》2017年第4期47-50,54共5页Journal of Honghe University 摘 要:那伽信仰是东南亚湄公河流域各国存在的一种独特的文化现象,泰语论文网站,泰语论文范文,是东南亚文化特色的重要体现。这种信仰代代相传,已融入该地区人民的生产生活中,成为该地区宝贵的文化财富。泰国那伽信仰的形成和发展经历了极其复杂和漫长的过程,在其形成和发展过程中不断受到外来文化的作用,至今,在泰国各种民间活动和习俗中仍保存着那伽信仰的文化符号和文化内涵。Naga faith is popular in southeastern Asia’s Mekong river countries. This is a unique cultural phenomenon, and is an important embodiment of southeastern Asia culture characteristics. Such beliefs have been handed down from generation to generation,and have melted into the production and living of the people in the region, becoming regional precious cultural treasure. The formation and development of Naga beliefs and their complicated and lengthy process, in the process of its formation and development constantly under the influence of foreign culture, to this day, various kinds of folk activities and customs in Thailand still preserve Naga belief of cultural symbols and cultural connotation. 关 键 词:那伽 形成 文化内涵 习俗 |