浅析泰国Nang Yai、Nang Talung皮影戏及其对中国皮影戏保护的启示 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:张婧[1,2] ZHANG Jing( 1,Zhengzhou information and Engineering Vocational College, Zhengzhou 450121, China; 2, Confucius Institute at Chiang Mai University, qingmai, 50200, Thailand )

机构地区:[1]郑州信息工程职业学院,郑州450121 [2]泰国清迈大学孔子学院,泰国清迈50200

出  处:《艺术与设计:理论版》2017年第7期134-136,共3页Art And Design

摘  要:皮影戏属于泰国戏剧类型之一,泰语论文网站,是泰国古代一顼十分受欢迎的娱乐活动。NangYai和Nang Talung皮影戏是泰国皮影戏的熏要组成种类,现作为传统艺术和文化遗产加以保护。文章通过查阅泰国相关网站和书籍,结合具体事例综述泰国Nang Yai和Nang Talung皮影戏以及泰国皮影人偶的制作工艺,泰语论文网站,鼯后从泰国皮影戏的文化保护研讨简述对中国皮影戏的发展保护启示。As one of Thailand dramas, shadow puppets play has been regarded as a well-recognized and eminent entertainment activity since the ancient times. Among the existing shadow puppets plays, great importance has been attached to Nang yai and Nang Talung shadow plays since they are ranking high in Thailand fork arts. Accordingly, Nang yai and Nang Talung shadow plays are being protected and preserved thoughtfully as traditional arts and intangible cultural heritage. This essay was initially elaborated on the introduction to Nang yai and Nang Talung shadow plays as well as the production of their shadow puppets, eventually, possible measures on Chinese shadow play protection and development was further proposed and discussed.

关 键 词:文化遗产保护 
