泰国学生习得汉语多项状语的偏误略论 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:林文月 张勇[1] 


出  处:《高教学刊》2017年第13期67-68,共2页Journal Of Higher Education

摘  要:现代汉语多项状语是外国学生习得的难点之一,泰国学生习得汉语多项状语时常会出现偏误。笔者基于对泰国学生习得汉语多项状语的问卷调查,略论他们习得汉语多项状语时出现偏误的原因,从教材、教师及学生等角度提出教学建议。Chinese multiple adverbials is one of the difficulties of foreign students when learning it. Thai students often occur errors when learning Chinese multiple adverbials too. Based on the questionnaire survey of Thai students' acquisition of Chinese multiple adverbials, the author analysis the reasons why they occur errors of Chinese multiple adverbials. Also the author put forward teaching suggestions from the aspects of text books, teachers and students.

关 键 词:多项状语 偏误略论 泰国学生 对外汉语教学 
