泰国多元化外语教育的演变、特征及其走向 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:谭晓健[1] Than Xiaojian


出  处:《东南亚纵横》2017年第2期63-68,共6页Around Southeast Asia

摘  要:泰国外语教育的历史最早可追溯到13世纪初立国之时,在以后的历史发展进程中逐渐显示出多元化特征。19世纪中叶泰国民族主义兴起以后,开始关注国家、民族、语言等问题,并逐渐形成自己的语言及语言教育政策,也形成了多元化外语教育政策。泰国的外语教育从古到今始终在一个比较开放、包容的社会环境中向多元化发展。The origin of foreign language education in Thailand dates back to founding of the state during the beginning of 13th century. In the following years, the approach to foreign language education began to show characteristics of diversification. Due to the rise of Thai nationalism in the middle of the 19th century, issues of the state, the nation and the language began to be concerned. Accordingly, Thai language and its language education policy came into being, as well as diversified foreign language education policy. Foreign language education in Thailand has always developed towards diversification in a relatively ooen and inclusive social environment

关 键 词:泰国教育 外语教育 多元化 
