作 者:奚晨 张舒 Xi Chen,日语毕业论文,日语论文,Zhang Shu 机构地区:安徽师范学院外国语大学,安徽芜湖241000 出 处:《科教文汇》2017年第17期175-176,共2页 基 金:2017年安徽师范学院青年教师科研专项资助基金项目“中日人际交流异同的异文化探讨--以‘道歉’行为为中心”(项目编号:2017qnzx11) 摘 要:20世纪中期开始,人们对语言的探讨,逐步从语义的逻辑略论转向关注人的言语行为、语言环境等语言使用方面的课题。其目的在于探讨语言在社会中如何使用,探讨语言与社会生活的内在联系这一语用论的层面。在异文化交际中,双方由于文化语境不同,经常会出现误解和摩擦,为了加以避免,就有必要了解不同文化语境下人们的行为模式和思维方式。其中道歉是因违反了社会规范或行为原则而产生的,所以道歉这一言语行为反映了一定社会文化环境中的社会规范、行为原则等文化语境。Since the middle of the 20 thcentury, studies on language have gradually transformed from the logical analysis of semantics to the emphasis on language use such as people's speech acts and language environment. The aim is to study how language is used in the society, as well as the internal relationship between language and social life. Due to different cultural contexts, the two sides in an alien cultural communication may misunderstand each other. To avoid the situation, it is necessary to learn about people's act models and thinking styles under different cultural contexts. Apologies result from violations of social regulations and codes of conduct, so apologies reflect the social norms and codes of conduct of a certain social culture. 关 键 词:道歉策略 文化心理 情感态度 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] |